Miami Dolphins Media Conference

Sunday, November 28, 2021

Miami, Florida, USA

Xavien Howard

Postgame Presser

Dolphins 33, Panthers 10

Q. -- as often as you wanted to?

XAVIEN HOWARD: I feel like we took one play at a time. They gave us an opportunity, and we took advantage of it.

Q. Can you explain the turnaround this defense has had the last month or so to right now?

XAVIEN HOWARD: I feel like it's just the confidence we have. Everything clicking and going on the right path, I say.

Q. Overall the team, is this the kind of performance of what you thought? The defense coming together, the offense, and special teams, is that really what you kind of envisioned?

XAVIEN HOWARD: Yeah, I feel that. Yeah, I feel that. I also feel like it was missed opportunities out there in all three phases. I feel like we just still getting better each week.

Q. After those first two wins after the losing streak, it's a real celebration back there in the locker room. Now that that streak has hit four games, what's the mood back in the locker room now?

XAVIEN HOWARD: It feels great in the locker room. It's week by week. We're focusing on just getting better.

Q. What have you seen in terms of growth from the rookies, Jevon and Jaylen, that had defensive plays today?

XAVIEN HOWARD: They play a big role in defense. Them guys out there balling, I say. Everybody work together, and them two guys do bring a lot to the defense. It's all 11 to the ball.

Q. When did you start to sense that Cam Newton was -- that you were getting to Cam Newton, that you were rattling him?

XAVIEN HOWARD: What you mean?

Q. Well, he completed only five passes.

XAVIEN HOWARD: Oh, damn. (Laughing) I seen he was getting a little frustrated, though. I feel like our defense, we did that to him, and we just got to feed off that, try to get every quarterback to feel like that.

Appreciate you.

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