Miami Dolphins Media Conference

Monday, September 12, 2022

Miami, Florida, USA

Matthew Judon

Visitors Postgame Presser

Miami - 20, New England - 7

Q. How would you sum up the game?

MATTHEW JUDON: We're going to go back on and film and see what we did, but it's the score obviously. They have more points than we did. We've got to fix that and come out on the victor's side next time.

Q. How much did that play at the end of the first half, their touchdown on fourth down, how much did that knock you guys back?

MATTHEW JUDON: I think all the points knocked us back. That's how you win games. You score more points than they did. A.J. is kind of hurt, and it's fourth down. We know they've got to pass it, fourth and long, and we give up six going into the half, and then they get the ball back.

So that hurt us. It definitely stings, and we can't do that if we want to be a good team.

Q. Do you kind of feel like you guys were a work in progress? Is it always that way, or what Devin was talking about, how do you fix those kinds of things?

MATTHEW JUDON: I think everybody is a work in progress until the end. It ain't over until it's over. We're not tucking, and we're not ducking on smoke. We're going to go back out there and work.

We've just got to work harder, honestly. We want to win games. We want to be a good football team. We want to have a chance to compete. So with that, a work in progress. It ain't over till it's over. We've got 16 more of these, and we're not going to hang our hat on the first one.

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