Miami Dolphins Media Conference

Friday, August 11, 2023

Miami, Florida, USA

Skylar Thompson

Postgame Presser

Falcons 19, Dolphins 3

SKYLAR THOMPSON: You know, it was good to get back on the field and compete tonight. It was tough sledding there with the turnovers and just getting into a rhythm, it was tough.

But just keeping in mind that this is the preseason, the time to learn, the time to grow. It's not always going to be perfect, and just need to go back and watch the tape and just learn and do what I can to get better from every single experience that I got tonight.

Q. Is it just the internal thoughts that might take a couple games to get back to where it was last year?

SKYLAR THOMPSON: No, I don't believe so. Definitely they got me with a couple looks tonight with pressures and just -- that's just what I felt on the field. Just understanding the situation and getting the ball out.

To answer your question, I do feel like there were times where, okay, I feel pressure; where is my outlet, throwing, getting to it quicker and getting us out of negative yardage situations to where we're not in 2nd and long. Getting way behind the sticks is not the type of mission that we want to run on offense here, and that starts with me leading it and taking charge.

I take all the ownership for every single thing, and I'll shoulder it and learn and get better from it.

Q. What did you see on the long attempt to Higgins that they ended up intercepting? What did you see on that play that made you like the match-up?

SKYLAR THOMPSON: Yeah, well, I saw the coverage. It dropped down to one lurk, and we had kind of talked all throughout the practices, throughout the week and throughout the game that that was kind of one of their -- they were playing two-man lurk, and anytime they were playing lurk -- when I say "one lurk," they were playing man coverage, showing a two eye shell and dropping down the safety to the passing strength, kind of just reading my eyes, and I had throughout the game kind of felt that the lurker was kind of going underneath our throughs, and I felt like he came underneath it and that Elijah was going to eclipse him there, and threw a deep -- threw over his head. I put too much air on it, but going back and watching the pictures, I progress. My No. 2 read was wide open.

You know, it's just a learning experience. The thing is I felt like I was seeing the coverages tonight and seeing what was happening, and it's just understanding situational ball and keeping us in positive yardage situations, and a lot of that all falls on me, and I'll do my best to get better and get that group going, and we'll learn from it, watch the tape and get better.

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