Miami Dolphins Media Conference

Friday, August 11, 2023

Miami, Florida, USA

Mike White

Postgame Presser

Falcons 19, Dolphins 3

Q. What can you say about that performance and the offensive execution?

MIKE WHITE: Yeah, I think there was some good, there was some bad, and there was some learning moments, and that's going to happen in any preseason game. It's when you wanted to happen. You don't want it to happen week one.

Yeah, so it's just one of those preseason games where executed some plays, maybe not so much on the other, and as much as you don't want it to happen, it's going to happen.

At this point, it's about how we learn from it, how we handle it, and making sure it doesn't happen again.

Q. Was there any one thing in the red zone or was it just a bunch of things?

MIKE WHITE: Yeah, so the preseason stuff is hard because you're not scheming up a red zone, know what I mean? You don't have a red zone package, whereas in a season you do. Now, that's not an excuse by any means, you've still got to be able to execute the plays.

Yeah, there's stuff that we've got to do better. There's things that we could have executed better.

A couple unfortunate bounces and turning the ball over down there is never going to equate to a win.

Q. The interception, were you just trying to force it into too much traffic there?

MIKE WHITE: No, I really liked the throw. I put it on the back hip of Tyler. It got to him, it just kind of bounced and kind of bounced in the right direction. No, I do like the read. It was where I wanted to put the ball. It got to my receiver's back hip down there, and it's small windows in the red zone, so just one of those unfortunate deals that ended up in an interception.

Q. How many fans did you end up having here?

MIKE WHITE: Oh, gosh, I don't know. I guess I'll find out here in about 30 minutes when I go outside, but I'd assume a decent amount.

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