New England - 17, Miami - 31
Q. It feels like a big difference between, you know, building on this and three wins as opposed to -- do you feel like it changes your approach moving forward as to what you can still make out of the season?
BILL BELICHICK: We'll have to worry about next week and get ready for next week.
Q. Bill, you guys were basically on the two and one, can you win many games with that, with barely 200 yards?
BILL BELICHICK: Talk to the officials. They're the ones who call them.
Q. Bill, are there any early indications of --
BILL BELICHICK: (No microphone.)
Q. How much more pressure does -- even in the third and long --
BILL BELICHICK: Why that guy didn't play more. And so, we can't play everybody.^^
Q. Bill, at the end of the first half, how much consideration did you give to not kneel on the ball there? Was that a hard decision at that time? What went into that decision that made it the best for the team?
BILL BELICHICK: Yeah, I thought that was the best thing for us to do at that point.
Q. Why was that? Would the --
BILL BELICHICK: The situation of the game, yeah.
Q. Any initial thoughts on Mac's performance today?
BILL BELICHICK: Well, as a team, it just wasn't good enough.
Q. (No microphone.) How did you handle the defensive communication?
BILL BELICHICK: There were a couple things involved.
Q. How significant was that?
BILL BELICHICK: Yeah, you hate losing a player.
Q. Bill, taking as much time as you did in the last drive, how much of that was dictated by that -- based on passing in the personnel they had on the field in that first series?
BILL BELICHICK: Yeah, it was a combination of things. What they had, who we had available, so forth.
Q. Hey, Bill, when you see the replay of that, there's only so much you can do. I get that. But, I mean, it was pretty blatant. And we'll talk to the officials about it. But what goes through your mind when you look at the replay and you're seeing it up on the replay?
BILL BELICHICK: Yeah, Steve, talk to the officials about it. What do you want me to do?
Q. The announcers think they just missed the call.
BILL BELICHICK: I don't know.
Q. On their final drive, did you get a good look at Myles' tackle there to see if you though it was worthy of the challenge, that maybe he had driven him back beyond the first down marker?
BILL BELICHICK: Yeah, the look we got on it, you know, it was close. It looked like he got it.
Q. What did you see on that play and how crucial was that to take the points off the board?
BILL BELICHICK: Yeah, it was obviously a big play. I was on the other side of the field, so couldn't really look at it.
All right. Anything else?
Q. Bill, is Mac your quarterback going forward or --
BILL BELICHICK: We all need to play better. We all just need to coach and play better.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports