Bears - 27, Seahawks - 11
Q. How is your knee feeling, Geno?
GENO SMITH: It feels good. Feels good. A little ice, need a little ice, some stem, some massage. I'll be fine.
Q. Was that on the scramble in the first quarter when you landed on both your knees out of bounds?
GENO SMITH: Yeah, took a little bump. Obviously didn't want that to to happen, but I'll be good.
Q. Play a regular season game, coming back --
GENO SMITH: Yes, I will.
Q. On the offense, the first, what was going on?
GENO SMITH: I think we again just started a little slow. Had some self-inflicted wounds, some things that we can control that really set us back. And that's the reason for the preseason, for us to get those things out. And obviously there's a ton of room for improvement. And a lot of things that we have to improve on very fast.
And so when I watch the film, I'll be able to give you a better answer. But just from the feel of it, just some things that were uncanny that we can control, that kind of set us back.
Q. How do you have a team to start fast without pressing?
GENO SMITH: That's a good question. And I would say the reality is that you have to just execute. It's a one-play-at-a-time mentality. You don't press because you just have to focus on this play. And so obviously you want to start fast. You want to score every time you touch the ball. But in the NFL it doesn't always work like that. And when you have penalties and when you have things self-inflicted wounds, it makes it a lot tougher.
Q. What was this week like for you with Drew getting all the snaps on Tuesday, they announce he's going to start and suddenly you're going to start on Wednesday?
GENO SMITH: It was the same. It was the same. We always have been mixing the reps. So the week hadn't changed. Obviously we wish Drew a speedy recovery. And when that happened, the dynamics changed a bit. But the week stayed the same for me.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports