Pittsburgh Steelers Media Conference

Sunday, October 25, 2020

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA

Robert Spillane

Postgame Press Conference

Steelers 27, Titans 24

Q. Rob, what was the feeling in the second half when the Titans made things pretty tight there?

ROBERT SPILLANE: You know, our team stayed with what we knew, and we knew we had to get stops and get the ball back to our offense. We dedicated 11 on defense to doing that, so that's what we did.

Q. Robert, talk about that hit on Henry down at the goal line; I know it looked like you hurt your shoulder and you came off the field. Talk about that play.

ROBERT SPILLANE: Yeah, you know, they're on the 1-yard line, they've got a 250-pound running back. There's no going slow into the hole, so I took all my force with me, and T.J. was there to help, as well, and we were able to bring him down.

Q. Robert, can you address how you think it went in your mind, not just your contribution but the sub package stuff and basically the community effort to getting by without Devin Bush?

ROBERT SPILLANE: Yeah, you know, we knew it was going to take the whole team to provide depth for Devin. Devin is a great player, a great person, and we miss him. He wasn't with us this week, and so we miss him. We knew it was going to be 11 on defense, special teams and offense to make up for his absence.

Q. Rob, are you wearing the green dot again today, and how did you feel like communication went on the field without Devin there?

ROBERT SPILLANE: I felt like communication went well. Vinny is also out there talking. We have a secondary who knows what's going on. Even our D-linemen and outside linebackers in front of us are very in tune with the communication of the defense. It makes my job pretty simple, just getting them the call and the secondary communication and going from there.

Q. How much are you and Vince, the guys in the middle of the defense, aided with the job that Bud and T.J. have been doing against some of these big time running backs crashing in on the edge and making sure they're not bouncing anything to the outside?

ROBERT SPILLANE: Not just Bud and T.J. but don't forget Cam, Dyson and Stephon Tuitt because those guys don't get blocked often, and if they do it's for a very short time. Playing behind them and then having Minkah and Terrell behind me, you feel so safe on the field because you know you've got playmakers all over the field. All I have to do is do my job and play hard.

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