Pittsburgh Steelers Media Conference

Sunday, December 11, 2022

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA


Postgame Press Conference

Ravens 16, Steelers 14

Q. What makes Baltimore so tough to stop from a run standpoint?

T.J. WATT: They run a good offense. We just need to do a better job of being assignment sound and making plays when it matters the most.

Q. Is it sort of demoralizing in the sense that you guys are playing high and you have turnovers not in the red zone just on the Baltimore side? Do you guys get together and just continue to rally, try to stop them continuously, and were you just worn down at the end of the game?

T.J. WATT: I think it's football. As a defense we take the field when we need to, regardless of what the situation is we need to hold them to as few a points as we possibly can. I don't think we got worn down, I think it was just a factor of not executing when we knew -- everybody in the stadium knew what they were going to do, and that was run the ball.

Q. T.J., Mike was talking about not coming up with the big stops in the weighty moments. Obviously there was the one right before the two-minute warning there, but also were you looking to get a safety or something when they were backed up right against the 1, that was that also another one?

T.J. WATT: Yeah, look back at the film and there was tons of opportunities. That's always how it is. You never make enough plays. That's something that we're going to have to look at. But clearly we didn't do enough specifically from a defensive side of things to put us in position to help win the game.

Q. What did you see happen on the big run that Dobbins got in the first half?

T.J. WATT: I don't know, I'm going to have to take a look at it.

Q. You guys have kind of held on to that feeling that you still had a chance to get back into the playoffs. What does this loss do to that feeling right now?

T.J. WATT: Got to watch the film, learn from it and go next week.

Q. How are the ribs this time around?

T.J. WATT: It doesn't matter at this point.

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