University of Tulsa Football Media Conference

Thursday, September 2, 2021

Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA

Keylon Stokes

Press Conference

UC Davis - 19, Tulsa - 17

Q. From your perspective, why was it that the offense just never seemed to find a rhythm?

KEYLON STOKES: To be honest, it's been something that we have been working on all summer, and it's just for us to go out there and to start fast, finish strong, and stuff like that, and it just wasn't there tonight. It's something that we got to go back into the lab and just keep working and keep getting right at, keep getting better at, and we'll come out and dominate next week.

Q. It's such a veteran team, super seniors, and you guys accomplished so much last year, and I know you expect to accomplish a lot this year. How hard is it to swallow and how do you go about bouncing back?

KEYLON STOKES: Well, first game, so a lot of first-game jitters, but that, hey, that's no excuse. We just got to, all our leaders got to step up, take over the team how we supposed to take over the team and get everyone prepared for next week. This game tonight was a disappointment, but just got to come back next week and just finish strong and start fast.

Q. Is this the type of game where the longer it was close, you got more anxious? Say, by the second half, a lot of folks coming in, did tension and anxiety build or did that not set in at all?

KEYLON STOKES: No, it definitely set in. A lot of guys, sometimes, for some guys it's their first college game, so people come out and just give all their energy out in pregame, get to the game, and things are different. So we just got to come out, be humble, be patient, how we always be and just, like I said, start strong and finish strong.

Q. Is it a blessing to turn around and have to play the types of teams you're about to face to get it right or do you worry?

KEYLON STOKES: Oh, no, no worry because we know what team that we have, we know what team that we're capable of being, so it's just getting back into the lab and just really finding that team and really connecting and doing the things that we're supposed to do so we can go play and beat those teams that we're about to play.

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