University of Tulsa Football Media Conference

Friday, October 1, 2021

Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA

Sam Crawford

Press Conference

Houston - 45, Tulsa - 10

Q. I know it was a difficult night for you guys. Where do you guys kind of go from here?

SAM CRAWFORD: Again, I mean, it's a 24-hour rule. We're going to watch the film and see what we did wrong, what we did right, obviously mostly what we did wrong, and just correct it and move on next week back to practice and focus on Memphis and go 1-0.

Q. What do you think went wrong for you guys on offense?

SAM CRAWFORD: We didn't execute on the offensive side of the ball. We just got dominated tonight and it was obvious out there just watching the game. So like I said just got to go back next week and have a good week of practice and prepare better and watch the film and improve.

Q. Your coach said that he knows you guys can play better than this. I think we have seen that in previous games. So when you guys aren't quite going up to your level of potential, how frustrating is that?

SAM CRAWFORD: It's very frustrating. Like, you put in all that work during the week of practice and you watch the film and you think it's going to be there and it doesn't work out like, it's disappointing. Just try to keep a level head out there. It's tough. It's tough.

But again we're a veteran team and we've been in this position before, so all we can do now is come back, work hard and prepare for next week.

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