University of Tulsa Football Media Conference

Saturday, September 10, 2022

Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA

Tyon Davis

Press Conference

Tulsa 38, Northern Illinois 35

Q. (Off Microphone).

TYON DAVIS: It's about an emotional roller coaster. I think we are definitely used to it. I am used to it. I didn't flinch the whole game because I always knew we would get a chance to come out on top.

This happened last year. It's going to happen this year. I think we love adversity. It definitely fuels us, and we're going to keep using it as motivation.

Q. It seems like most of your home games come down like this since you have been here, right? I mean --

TYON DAVIS: It's uncanny. Honestly, yeah, it's uncanny how often this happens.

I mean, I love being the one to finish the game. I love being on the field last to end the game like that. It's what we came here for. It's why I came here, to end games, to finish games, and to win games.

Thank you, guys.

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