University of Tulsa Football Media Conference

Saturday, October 1, 2022

Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA

Keylon Stokes

Press Conference

Cincinnati 31, Tulsa 21

Q. Just general thoughts on the game today?

KEYLON STOKES: I felt like coming out we were pretty focused on our main goal, and then I feel like when we started, focus kind of lost, to be honest. I felt like our team was really worried about other things out there, which it's okay, but I mean, like we've just got to stay focused on the main goal, and that's to win.

Q. Talk about what looked like a little bad blood between the teams and what was your take on how that evolved?

KEYLON STOKES: I mean, yeah, this rivalry has been going on for a minute, so yeah, there's going to be a lot of animosity out there, a lot of bumping and all that, but we've just got to stay focused. Like I said, focus on the main goal and go win.

Q. Talk about how much of a lift it was for you guys to have Davis in there.

KEYLON STOKES: It was pretty good. It felt good to have him back. It felt bad to see him go back down. He'd been trying to work on his ankle, get it back better. That's what we need to work on this week, we just need him to get back healthy so he can come out there and dominate Navy.

Q. What were your thoughts on also seeing Deneric Prince back in there?

KEYLON STOKES: It felt great to see him back there, see him get the ball, run, do what he got to do. It felt good to see him get his first touchdown this year. You know, there's things that we can just keep elevating on, keep stacking up, and we're going to be a great team.

Q. Regarding Davis, I can't tell for sure, but he looked like he's still coming off of this injury but able to perform. What do you say about his toughness and just being able to be a quarterback today?

KEYLON STOKES: He's always been a tough guy. He's always been a dog, always had that mentality that nothing is going to stop him. It was good to see him go out there and just continue to do what he loves. It was sad to see him go back down, but just got to get back in the training room, get back healthy.

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