Washington 20, Stanford 13
THE MODERATOR: Questions for Benjamin.
Q. There were stretches where the offense gets clicking, then stretches where there are lulls. Why do you think those lulls happen? What needs to happen for you to more consistently pick up yardage and things that you are capable of?
BENJAMIN YUROSEK: I think you hit it, we're capable of it. We just got to go out there and execute. We have the tools we need to. We obviously get past the 50 yard line plenty of times. We have to finish drives. We have to go out there and practice. That's the only time we can change that.
Q. How would you characterize the emotional state of the team? You were flying high a few weeks ago after Oregon. You haven't played as well the last few games. With four games left, where are you guys?
BENJAMIN YUROSEK: We're looking at the season. We're trying to finish off as strong as possible, right? We're not looking back at these last three weeks. Obviously it's been very frustrating. Obviously the locker room has been very quiet after. That's not the feelings we want to have.
So yeah...
Q. For you personally, there were stretches where you get rolling. Is some of that a function of the way teams are defending you? How much will it help you to get guys like Mike Wilson and Humphreys back?
BENJAMIN YUROSEK: Yeah, I don't think there's any point where I'm the main receiving target. I think we got guys out there that can make plays every single play.
I think we're obviously super excited to get Mike and all the rest of the guys back. We had a lot of injuries. The guys we have right now, we have enough talent to make any play we want, so no excuse there.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports