Indiana University Basketball Media Conference

Wednesday, December 7, 2022

Indianapolis, Indiana, USA

Trayce Jackson-Davis

Trey Galloway

Postgame Media Conference

Indiana 81, Nebraska 65

Q. Trayce, just speak to the unselfishness that you were able to demonstrate tonight and what your teammates were doing to create those opportunities for you to kind of recognize the double-teams and cut off of them to a point where you could find them.

TRAYCE JACKSON-DAVIS: In all honesty, it was just we were out there, and we were talking, and my teammates were talking to me and telling me I was playing like a true wizard, like the Wizard of Oz almost. Just overall they did a great job, and just getting the ball and especially Miller, Scoop, Trey, hitting big shots after big shots and then Race and Scoop cutting to the basket, overall just a great response from the Rutgers game. I thought we had a lot of movement that we didn't have in our last game. It was a way to respond, and yeah, that's that.

Q. Trey, you've played with Trayce for a couple years now. How have you seen him improve basically in terms of commanding the floor when he's got the ball, knowing when to attack, when to pass out of the double, how to pass out of the double, just being able to be the kind of player that can get the points but also 10 assists in a game?

TREY GALLOWAY: Yeah, I think each year he's just gotten better and better, but the biggest thing is his unselfishness and his willingness to pass. That's a big part because he knows he can score, and obviously teams are trying to take that away now because he can score at such a high rate.

I think him just being able to pass out of the double and make plays for others has been really special for us and our group. I think we've got to continue to make shots when he's getting double-teamed because they've got to leave us to go get him, so if we're open we've got to knock them down, and then they can't double, and he goes to work.

Q. You've been getting questions from us for a while about your jump shot and all the work you did over the summer to improve it. How rewarding is it to have a night like tonight, especially when your team needed it specifically?

TREY GALLOWAY: I mean, it's good. Just like you said, steady repetition that I've been trying to focus on and game-like shots and just being ready to shoot it and knock it down when it comes out to me. I think just having that confidence and keep building that confidence and have my teammates pick me up when I'm not shooting as well, it's been great, so just keeping that up.

Q. Trey, over the summer, off-season, stuff like that, did you have a regimen shooting-wise of you were trying to hit this many shots? What went into you trying to improve your shot?

TREY GALLOWAY: I mean, I did a lot of time just shooting because I was out with my groin injury, so I couldn't really move much. A lot of it was just stationery shooting and just repetition, the same thing over and over again and try and just shoot it the same way every time.

I think just that alone really helped. Not changing much but just doing the things I needed to do to help my shot.

Q. Trey, how different did your preparation maybe make this game compared to Rutgers when it might have been more of a last-minute change knowing that Jalen was out but going into today knowing you were going to probably carry more of a heavy burden?

TREY GALLOWAY: Yeah, obviously with Jalen out it changes a lot of things. He plays a lot of minutes, so we knew we were going to have to step up a little bit and play more minutes.

I think all of the guards really did a great job of stepping in there and playing a high role. I think with those extended minutes, we've got to keep our intensity, the same focus the whole time at the defensive end.

Q. Trayce, being here for four years, being from Indiana, as you climb the record books and put your name on triple-doubles, what do these moments mean to you when you're kind of cementing your legacy at IU?

TRAYCE JACKSON-DAVIS: It just honestly just solidifies why I came back. I came back to do big things, not only individually but with the team, too, and we have high aspirations this year, and so just continue to just play my hardest every game and play for my teammates and the man above, and that's what I'm going to do. Just moments like that make it special to me, and just kind of is a reminder why I came back, especially when the times are getting tough, especially in practice and stuff like, when you're just down on yourself sometimes and think of that and then you get bright moments like this.

Q. Trayce, obviously with Jalen out tonight and a tougher night for X tonight, to get the kind of game you got from Trey and Tamar off the bench, how big of a difference does that make?

TRAYCE JACKSON-DAVIS: Trey and Tamar, we didn't have a good against game Rutgers, honestly. They obviously took that with a little chip on their shoulder coming into this game because that's not how we play basketball, and Coach Woodson was kind of telling us before the game we've got to get tougher, so I think they took that to heart, and they played with a chip on their shoulder this game and played with a lot of confidence, and that's what we need from them.

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