CFP Semifinal Chick-fil-A Peach Bowl: Georgia vs Ohio State

Monday, December 26, 2022

Atlanta, Georgia, USA

Mercedes-Benz Stadium

Georgia Bulldogs

Sedrick Van Pran

Press Conference

MATT GARVEY: We'll move right into the players. First joining us is Sedrick Van Pran.

Q. How have you seen Amarius Mims develop and grow over the course of this season? Obviously Warren dealing with a little bit of injury now. Amarius has had injury of his own. How have you seen him improve over the course of this year?

SEDRICK VAN PRAN: I think Amarius has grown a lot. He's grown a lot in his confidence in his game. Earlier in the season he was a guy who looked really good in practice, and he had a struggle because you kind of have anxieties and all that. Throughout the season, he's really stepped up in a huge way for this offensive line.

Really helped us out. Really helped us play some meaningful minutes and really has helped us push this offensive line along. And I think that's happened through his confidence.

Q. We've heard a lot about the Ohio State fronts. Just how much movement is there, and how much do they try to create confusion in there?

SEDRICK VAN PRAN: They do a lot of different things, a lot of different looks, a lot of different sort of pressures, different things like that. So the biggest thing is just making sure that you watch film. It's going to be a big thing this week, making sure you can find indicators and different things of that nature to try to give you different nuggets.

Because if you have no idea what's going on, their defense can create some havoc for you.

Q. You guys have got a lot of activities this week, go-karts and Ebenezer Baptist Church, things like that. Is that a tough balance when you're trying to focus on such a meaningful game like this? Is it annoying, or is it a welcomed sort of reprieve from all that?

SEDRICK VAN PRAN: That's a good question. I definitely want to say we appreciate the Chick-Fil-A Bowl for giving us an opportunity to do all these great things. But with all due respect to them, ultimately we do want to focus on the game and make sure that we're staying focused.

But I think it will be good for some of the guys to get an hour or two away and relax but ultimately knowing what our goal is.

Q. Kind of going off of that, as someone who's gone through this, do you have advice for your teammates as far as how to balance those things?

SEDRICK VAN PRAN: Yeah, I think the biggest thing I've been trying to stress to everyone is the use of your time. It can really get away from you. You kind of think we're in a hotel, it's not typical just everyday schedule, just meetings and practice.

But you really have to use your time wisely and understand that you're there for a reason because before you know it, the game will be there.

Q. Are you going to be disappointed if they don't have a go-kart big enough for you?

SEDRICK VAN PRAN: I'm probably already expecting that, to be honest. I've never gotten to do go-karts just because they've always been too small, but I'm kind of expecting that.

Q. I'm just curious, you talk about all the multiple, different fronts they play and whatnot. With having a six-year guy like Stetson behind you, how much of the responsibilities are shared between the both of you in terms of identification of assignment and alignment, and all that kind of stuff?

SEDRICK VAN PRAN: That's a really good question. Generally, it's about being on the same page because he may see things on film and I may see things on film, and it may change depending on who may have the last say-so depending upon what's going on. He may be able to see certain things that I can't, and I may be able to see certain things that he can't.

So it's really just making sure we're both on the same page and understanding we may see two different looks or we may see two different things, but ultimately knowing the greater good of the play, what page we both need to be on.

That's usually the challenge week in and week out, just making sure we both kind of see things through the same set of eyes, and honestly it's not usually a problem.

Q. How often are you guys watching film together?

SEDRICK VAN PRAN: That's a good question. A lot of times, it may not necessarily be together for the simple fact of he may be looking at more routes, coverages, different things like that. I may be looking at more fronts, movements, linebacker width, nuggets, different things like that.

But what I can say is we do send each other a lot of things through text messages. If there's something I may think he may have a problem with or something he thinks I may have a problem with, kind of send it to each other and make sure we're on the same page and communicating about it.

Q. Sedrick, what's the biggest advantage from an offensive standpoint about playing in a venue for the third time this year?

SEDRICK VAN PRAN: That's a good question. But honestly, I don't think I want to kind of dive too much into the advantage. Just being honest, I think every stadium -- I guess I want to say unique for the simple fact of you just have to go out and play your style of ball. I don't think you can get too caught up in the advantages of the stadium or anything like that.

At the end of the day, this is a playoff game. Ohio State is going to go out there and give it everything they have. So at the end of the day, those things start to even out, and it's all going to come down to who can actually get the ball the most.

Q. You guys were up for the Joe Moore Award again and ended up not winning it. Does that get talked about at all or any sort of motivation going into the playoff?

SEDRICK VAN PRAN: That's a tricky question to answer that. We've definitely talked about it. We just want to keep doing what we can for this team.

MATT GARVEY: Sedrick, I think that's it for you, buddy. Thanks for your time.

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