Atlantic Coast Conference Football Kickoff

Monday, July 22, 2024

Charlotte, North Carolina, USA

Florida State Seminoles

Patrick Payton

Press Conference

THE MODERATOR: We'll take questions for Patrick.

Q. Last year you had the highest total pass breakouts by an ACC D-lineman since 2016. What led you to be able to play with such high athleticism out on the field?

PATRICK PAYTON: Just knowing we had a terrific D-line last year, and teams are going to game plan to get the ball out quickly even though you got guys like Jared Verse, Joshua Farmer, Braden Fiske. That was the starters. We got other guys, too. We just knowing we all trying to get back there.

My mindset was just trying to find different ways to impact the quarterback or help out the DBs, just showing if I don't always get there fast enough, I can still try to find a way to make a play.

Q. Last year you had more havoc plays per snap than any defender in the country with at least 500 snaps. Coming into this year, how do you continue to elevate your game to be that dominant defensive end along with the other defensive guys?

PATRICK PAYTON: Really just being the best I can every day when it comes to not just on the field, like in the classroom, nutrition-wise, treatment-wise.

I know about to make that turn you have to learn how to be a pro. And just because it really all matters. That's what I think our coach, Adam Fuller, our DC always say that. Every morning he put up a picture of us together hugging each other, playing with each other. It just all that matters. That's what I think about it.

Q. You committed to a program that wasn't really close to competing for national championships. Can you reflect on where this program was, what you accomplished last year, what that means for your confidence?

PATRICK PAYTON: It felt good because knowing like when I first got here it was a little bit different when it came to how good our leadership is, all that. Now older guys taking young guys under their wing now, just believing what Coach Norvell was telling me when I was a high school recruit.

He was telling me he wanted me to be the best person I could be. He wasn't really even talking about football all the time. You going to play this, play that. He was just saying, We're going to make you become a man. That's what I feel like is the best thing Coach Norvell did for me, he really taught me how to become a man.

Q. You played alongside Jermaine Johnson and Jared Verse while they were two of the top pass-rushers in the ACC and leaders on the Florida State defense for the past three years. What did you learn from them as you step into that role as one of the top edge rushers in the ACC and as a leader on this FSU defense?

PATRICK PAYTON: One thing I learned from Jermaine is how hungry he was. He really wanted to prove for his-self first, but he really wanted to show people why he was still that guy who he was, coming from JUCO, when I was the number one defensive line.

He was a pro. He watched film like a pro. He practiced like a pro every day. He really dominated everybody.

Jared Verse, it's how hard he plays, his edge that he had. He knew he was always the most talented guy coming out of high school. Everyone though he probably not the most talented guy, but he had an edge to his-self. If I going to work hard every day. You see him every day in the weight room, practice. You feel like he should be the first one in, last one out of practice type of guy. That's one thing I learned from both of them.

Q. Is there any change in the preparation going into this accept knowing that the season starts a week earlier than normal? Has that created a sense of urgency as far as practice, given you an extra edge going into the season?

PATRICK PAYTON: I feel like you just have to believe in the process, believe in the plan that Coach Norvell, coach storm has for us. Really just practicing hard every day like we've been doing since I got here.

Every practice that I done been here since I've been here has been intense. Even the days when it's only helmets, when there's no helmets, when it's just a workout, everything intense.

Just believing in the plan, make sure all of us are our best self. Everything else take care of itself.

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146701-1-1041 2024-07-22 19:26:00 GMT

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