THE MODERATOR: Questions for Cam.
Q. Every player's dream is to play in the NFL. You could've accomplished that during this off-season, but decided to withdraw from the NFL Draft. I want to know the reasons why you decided to choose Miami over the NFL.
CAM WARD: A lot went into that decision. That's probably one of the most stressful times in my life. Me, my mom, my dad. Every day my decision changed. Went into my parents' room. I told them one day I was going to this school. Next day I was going to the league, next day I was going to Miami. If I had to do it all over again, I would.
The biggest thing for me is there was still food left on the table for me. I accomplished a lot of things at the FCS level, I haven't accomplished things I know I'm capable of at the Power Five level. I feel like NFL isn't going anywhere. God put me in this position to be a Miami Hurricane. I think it's been the best of both worlds.
Q. You've received a lot of pre-season hype. Your name is mentioned for the Heisman, NIL deals. What has helped keep you grounded and humble?
CAM WARD: Really just how I was raised. I don't get too high or low. Even on the football field. At the end of the day the only thing that is going to take care of myself and my family is making plays on the football field.
Everybody's opinion of myself doesn't really matter to me and my family. At this point, this time in my life, I'm more focused on trying to win football games with the team around me. The coaching staff is going to put us in the best position.
I don't really get into all that. If I happen to be at the podium up there in December, I'll be thanking God and thanking the guys.
Q. You came from the snowy state of Washington. Now you're at the sunny sands of south Florida. How much pressure do you have performing at a high intensity school like Miami?
CAM WARD: It's not real pressure at all. We got to show up and play each and every Saturday. We can't take no team too lightly. We playing the best team in the country or the worst team in the country, we have to show up and be that team each and every Saturday. We're going to let the rest take care of itself.
Q. Coach Cristobal has talked so highly of you, evidently has so much faith in you. What does that do for your confidence?
CAM WARD: That means a lot for me. I'm already a confident person. But we have a head coach like that who is going to instill that in not only yourself but the whole team, offense and defense, it's going to help us later in the season.
At the end of the day, I mean, we trying to win football games for his family, going to set our families up in the long-term. Just thinking to what he preaches each and every day outside of practice, being good people on and off the field, it will translate to some wins.
Q. There was a clip circulating around of you and Shedeur and Kyron Drones kind of practicing. Talk about that a little bit, the work you put in with other quarterbacks.
CAM WARD: Yeah, that clip was crazy just 'cause that's just how we are, us three. That's how we talk to each other each and every day. Every time we talk on the phone...
It's going to get blown out of proportion. That shows that us three, the competitiveness that we have for each other, how we want to see each other be great.
I got a chance to play against Shedeur, I'll get a chance to play against Kyron this year. Two great quarterbacks, I wish them the best. I'm just happy for two kids like Kyron, I'm from a small town, to be up on a stage like this, not only express ourselves, but our teams.
We've been put in a good position and we're trying to do the best to run with it.
Q. I had the pleasure of running into you yesterday in the game room. I asked you how are you enjoying Miami. You said, I love it. What is it about Miami you love, the city and the school?
CAM WARD: I'm not a real big person of doing stuff. I like to stay home with my Rottweiler and chill.
Miami is good because if you want to do something, you can. I'm a big fisherman. Been fishing since I was a little kid at home. Got a chance to go Mahi fishing. I am going fishing once I go back home tomorrow.
Miami has a lot of things. I feel where people get carried away is when they try to do too much in places like Miami.
Me having the background that I do, not wanting to do too much, that's going to help me in this position because I know what I want to get out of football, I know what I want to get out of life. Really just keep my feet on the ground, keeping every day moving one foot after another.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports