Pac-12 Conference Women's Basketball Championship

Wednesday, March 2, 2022

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

California Golden Bears

Coach Charmin Smith

Ugonne Onyiah

Jayda Curry

Postgame Press Conference

Utah - 66, Cal - 60

THE MODERATOR: We welcome the California Golden Bears, coach Charmin Smith, Jayda Curry and Michelle Onyiah.

COACH SMITH: Obviously very disappointed. Utah is a really good team. I give them a lot of credit. They made plays when they needed to. And unfortunate -- we wanted to stick around in Vegas -- but unfortunately we weren't able to do enough to get the win.

I'm proud of our team and our fight. And we just gotta eliminate some mistakes and just continue to work to get better so that we can have some postseason play and move further along in March and in the future.

Q. Jayda, you had a stellar freshman season. Looking back on the season, not just tonight, what have you taken from this experience that you'll use in the years coming forward?

JAYDA CURRY: Playing with a lot of people -- we had Jazzy, Pie, Lei who have played, and just learning things from them and just growing during the season, taking the losses on our chest and kind of learning from them. And working to be better and coming to practice every day trying to get better.

We're definitely going to put in that work as soon as we get back and right back to it, getting ready for next season. We gotta put in the work in the offseason so we prepare for times like these, myself included, for sure.

But overall it was definitely a learning experience and a season of growth for me definitely.

Q. Coach, can you talk a little bit about how Jayda's grown and progressed -- she sort of jumped on the scene right at the beginning of the year -- but how she's developed as a player and as a person over the season?

COACH SMITH: I don't know if I can answer that question exactly. I just want to say, she's just a joy to coach. And her teammates love her. And she's trying to do all the right things to help us win games.

I've said to everyone who has asked me, the best thing about her, in my opinion, is just her humility, her personality. To come in as a freshman on a team that's been struggling, and I put a lot on her. And to be the one that gets yelled at when you don't shoot, as a freshman, it's a lot of pressure. And she handles it.

There's been a lot on her shoulders. And I'm proud of how she's performed. And I think it bodes well for us that our best player is also a phenomenal person with an amazing attitude.

Q. Of all the teams that played today, you were the only team that shook hands after the game. I was wondering why you did that.

COACH SMITH: You know, it's March. It's tournament play. And I know with COVID we're not really -- we haven't been doing that. But I just wanted to show respect to Lynne and Utah. And I wanted to tell them each good luck as they move through the tournament.

I think they'll be in the NCAA Tournament as well. Just wanted to take the opportunity to wish them luck and show that respect.

Q. I was wondering where you got those shoes?

COACH SMITH: Did you like them? Cool. Company called the Office of Angela Scott. They make shoes for women who mean business. I don't know what your pronouns are, but it's all good.

Q. We saw you take the fall. Looked like you were in really serious pain. How is your leg doing?

UGONNE ONYIAH: Afterwards, after Lauren took care of me pretty well, my teammates got my back, got my back, I got way better. And I wish I came into the game faster honestly. I'm happy I came into the game that I had because we could have finished it still, even with a minute fourth left in the game could've made the shot, I should have taken my water, obviously, and I hadn't gotten a cramp in my quad. If I didn't get that cramp we probably would have won the game for a fact.

COACH SMITH: So basically she just needed more Gatorade.

UGONNE ONYIAH: And some water.

COACH SMITH: Water with electrolytes in it.

UGONNE ONYIAH: Gatorade. Charmin is always right.

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117305-1-1045 2022-03-03 07:44:00 GMT

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