Augusta National Women's Amateur

Friday, April 5, 2024

Augusta, Georgia, USA

Bailey Shoemaker

Quick Quotes

Q. What's the experience like getting to play out here?

BAILEY SHOEMAKER: Yeah, I mean, it's awesome. We're some of the first people out here all year and the fairways are lush, everything is perfect. I said to my caddie today, I'm looking at the bunker, I'm like, I've never seen an edge that perfect. Everything is just pristine and done the best it possibly could be.

Q. What are the emotions that come with today and then playing into tomorrow?

BAILEY SHOEMAKER: Just exciting overall. I played a practice round today with my teammates, so it's fun income college now and being able to do that coming back here. But overall just excited and just blessed to have the experience to go out and play Augusta in a final round in one of the biggest amateur events there is, so just excited overall.

Q. Do you have a target score for tomorrow that you think you need to shoot to have a shot?

BAILEY SHOEMAKER: I always have a score in mind, but at the same time, just kind of take it as it goes. But probably a couple under, somewhere around there, always seems to do the job.

Q. Have you played with Lottie much?

BAILEY SHOEMAKER: No, I have not played with Lottie at all, actually. I have quite a few friends at FSU, though, and hear she's lovely. I know that she's a heck of a player. She's going to be tough to knock down. She'll go out and post a good round, so everybody has to chase her.

Q. Who's caddying for you?

BAILEY SHOEMAKER: One of the Augusta caddies. He's actually error's caddie when he comes out here for a little bit, and he was just here earlier this week looping for him, so he certainly has some insight, knows one of the best players in the world's game, so hopefully he can help me out a little bit.

Q. How (indiscernible)?

BAILEY SHOEMAKER: I mean, yesterday everybody knows (indiscernible) just one of those days, but first day I posted an okay round, I was in good position, and yesterday was just survival. Just getting through yesterday wherever I ended up I ended up, and now just kind of working on my game a bit more and figuring out what I can do to go a little bit lower tomorrow.

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