Q. Back to Augusta, first impressions compared to other years. What do you see?
JUSTIN THOMAS: It's great. It's in really, really good shape. It's firm. It's fast. Obviously can't do much about the weather the rest of the week, but I'm sure that everybody on the greens staff is very, very pleased with where the golf course is at.
Q. We were talking with Xander, with other players about the little changes. You have to figure out how you're hitting and where you're hitting.
JUSTIN THOMAS: Yeah, you have to everywhere out here. That's the thing, a lot of shots or holes can look like they're right in front of you, but they never are. It's never that easy. You have to be very precise. You have to give a little bit more attention to those holes.
Q. Your game right now coming here, it looks like the majors your game starts peaking again. What do you feel this week?
JUSTIN THOMAS: Yeah, I feel like I'm playing well. I feel like I've been playing well. It's just a matter of putting it together and seeing if we can get it going a little bit.
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