Q. No. 6, is that your first ace on the par-3?
LUKE LIST: No, a long time ago, 2005, I made one on number 7 in the par-3. So this was kind of -- it was awesome to have my family there. It was neat. I didn't see it go in, just heard the crowd, you know it is. It's organized chaos out there with the kids, but we had a good time.
Q. This is your third time, it's still such a great experience probably with your family?
LUKE LIST: It's a special week, and this kind of gets everything rolling. Once this is over it's time to go. Living here in Augusta now it's really special being here, and, yeah, I just can't wait to get going.
Q. Is it fun to have this afternoon to decompress before you go into tournament mode tomorrow morning?
LUKE LIST: Exactly. Just having the kids out and have everybody together, and it's just such a unique celebration of golf and family and they have always celebrated this Par-3 Contest, so just to have that and with the crowd it's just amazing, so to make a hole-in-one it's really neat.
Q. A lot of players have been talking about how clean everything is, knowing that the course conditions are probably going to change tomorrow, are these conversations you're having with your caddie about the location of certain holes, knowing that things might change tomorrow?
LUKE LIST: Yeah, the weather around here is kind of interesting this time of year. It looks like we're going to have a nasty one overnight and the morning. Not much we can do about it. It's kind of just see how much it dumps and how it will change. Everybody's in the same boat as far as, we've done all this preparation, but it will probably play different tomorrow, so I think that that's kind of the unique thing about golf is we're all on a level playing field when we get started.
Q. If you had to explain to people how special it is to play golf in Augusta this time of year, what would you say?
LUKE LIST: It's indescribable to me. Like I said, living here, this is my home, my community and I feel honored to represent the area, so to be here playing in the Tournament's really special to me.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports