Q. Was that your son that made the final putt for you?
GARY WOODLAND: It was. It was exciting. He's thought about it all day. He's known that was going to be his shot. He told me to hit it a lot closer than that so I was apologizing I didn't hit it closer for him.
That was so cool. Just so see his reaction, that was very special.
Q. That's what this event has really become about, isn't it?
GARY WOODLAND: It really is. Obviously we're preparing for a big week, but to come out here the day before and let your hair down a little bit, have fun with the family, that's what it's all about.
Q. Does that help to decompress the night before you get into tournament mode?
GARY WOODLAND: It is. You think about this tournament from when it ends to the following year. You're thinking about it for so long.
We all know what is at stake starting tomorrow. Tonight is a nice day to spend with your family.
Q. Tell me about 6.
GARY WOODLAND: As I said, this is my 12th time playing the par-3. I've had some close calls. It was nice to see one go in. Nice to see my kids' reaction. They were so excited. I will say, my son making the putt on the last was more exciting for me than that ball going in.
Q. Let's talk about the conditions the next few days. Going to have some rain, but the wind seems to be a big story. 30- to 35-mile-per-hour gusts. What does that do to the unpredictability of this golf course?
GARY WOODLAND: The golf course is hard enough without the weather. It's as good as I've seen it, to be honest. The golf course is absolutely perfect, so hopefully some of the rain misses it. It's firm and fast now. Absolutely perfect.
Hopefully the weather misses a little bit. Golf is tough enough without the wind, so it'll be a challenge, but one that everybody is going to have to face.
Q. What does that do for your attitude when you start a round knowing you've got that much wind to face?
GARY WOODLAND: You got to stay patient, avoid the big numbers. Everyone is going to make mistakes out here. Golf course is so demanding.
Like I said, it's perfect. We've been prepared for it all week. We'll be ready for it.
Q. What is your son's name?
Q. How old is he?
Q. Jax?
GARY WOODLAND: Yeah, J-a-x. And I have twin girls, too, so three total.
Q. But Jax is the one that was actually carrying the bag?
GARY WOODLAND: He is. He's six years old.
Q. Had you prepped him for this at all?
GARY WOODLAND: He did it last year as well so he knew what to expect. I think he was more excited to shake everyone's hand here behind the green on the last hole. For him to make the putt was everything. That's what this is all about.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports