Q. How would you characterize the day out there?
MATT FITZPATRICK: Yeah, good day. I was pleased. Didn't drive it as well as I like, but scrambled really well.
Yeah, I felt like I played good. Just, yeah, just having a couple more equipment issues.
Q. What now?
MATT FITZPATRICK: Just my short irons just do not want to spin. Like they do not want to spin.
So you get some that I hit and ball just goes forever. Prime example on the last there, just wants to go forever. You don't know when you're going to get them.
Q. (Indiscernible.)
MATT FITZPATRICK: I mean, it's been probably for the last two, three weeks probably. Did some work on it last week. Did some work on it this week.
You know, the numbers are kind of okay but there is only so much you can do with the set I've got. I like the set. I have actually been hitting them well. Just having two or three a round where it's like, that is not right.
Q. (Indiscernible.)
Q. (Indiscernible.)
MATT FITZPATRICK: No, no. I would love to be able to. Otherwise wouldn't have gone long on the last. Yeah, you know, yeah, one of those things. I don't really know what to do.
Q. Probably scares the hell out of you at place like this where precision is so paramount.
MATT FITZPATRICK: No, no, I enjoy it. No, I'm excited. No, yeah, it does. It's not ideal. Fortunately most of the trouble is short, so if it is going miles as least you're going long.
Yeah, not ideal but, yeah, like I say, I'm not really sure what I can do about it.
Q. Are you surprised that the scores aren't higher just based on how windy it is?
MATT FITZPATRICK: Not really. The greens are soft. You know, balls are spinning everywhere. I think if it had not rained you would've seen the high scores.
Would have been buzzing with 1-under. I'm a little deflated with 1-under, but still it's first round and long way to go.
Q. How much did the wind affect those last few?
MATT FITZPATRICK: Yeah, it was a lot, but, it was fairly windy all day. You always have to keep a gauge on where it was. This place is notorious for swirling winds.
Playing with Jon and Nick on 12, I think one of them took 1:20 and one took 1:40 because you're waiting for a gust to go through. You could hit it up there be short the water let alone in it, yeah.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports