Q. Competitive nature, I know. Also not very happy with today's round. Can you tell us where it went wrong or some of it was good. Just give a brief summary if you can.
ERIK VAN ROOYEN: Couldn't find a fairway.
Really hit the driver poor. It's so hard to score from out of these trees. You have to be in position on this golf course. Greens faster than yesterday. Obviously a bit less wind when you do that and scrambling the whole day.
Q. The chipping is hard and the greens are so fast. Do you think that's been one of the biggest differences today?
ERIK VAN ROOYEN: No, the driver.
Q. The driver, not landing it properly?
Q. Do you reckon maybe trying too hard or just finish the course?
ERIK VAN ROOYEN: No. I just didn't have it today. Shot 6-over. I had one -- trying to think where 12 was my only realistic birdie opportunity. I hit the ball really, really good the first two days, and I really struggled today.
Q. For tomorrow just going to go try and clear your mind? What's the...
ERIK VAN ROOYEN: Same as every day. Try and lick the wounds try now and go try and find some 6momentum tomorrow.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports