Masters Tournament

Sunday, April 14, 2024

Augusta, Georgia, USA

Byeong Hun An

Quick Quotes

Q. Kind of like a recap of the week. All kinds of situations, all kinds of situations.

BYEONG HUN AN: First two days was great. Obviously the weekend was a little disappointing yesterday and today. I feel like my ball striking was there, but putting let me down this weekend. Yesterday I could have had six more birdies, a lot more pars, same today.

It was very disappointing to finish this way. Yeah, I've got to figure something out. It's golf. I feel like all the game's there, short game's there, ball striking's there. It's kind of disappointing to have this kind of play on the greens. It's tough greens to putt on. It's not the easiest greens. It's not the easiest read.

We'll see what happens in the future, but it's one of those weeks. I feel like tee to green it was fantastic. I couldn't be happier than that, but it was very disappointing on the greens.

Overall week, it's Masters. I'm playing on Sunday. It was great. Hopefully I can come back next year.

Q. One thing that happened this week, four Koreans started the week, three made the cut. Does it tell you something about the level of Koreans in golf right now and what's happening now?

BYEONG HUN AN: Yeah, there should be more. I mean, four is great, but I feel like there's many great players that can play into this event. You definitely will see more in the future. There's still a lot of guys playing on the PGA TOUR who could have made it here.

Four is a decent number, but hopefully we can get the win one day.

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