NFL International Series 49ers vs Cardinals

Monday, 21 November 2022

Mexico City, Mexico

Estadio Azteca

Arizona Cardinals

Colt McCoy

Postgame Press Conference

49ers - 38, Cardinals - 10

Q. Obviously you guys are in a tough spot right now. How do you guys approach, now going forward, with the week's running out with what you've got left?

COLT MCCOY: We just gotta put our best foot forward. We know it's a short week and figure out a way to get a win before the bye. That's really our only focus and our only goal.

Q. How do you feel about this opportunity to stay in this atmosphere? This game is different for you and for all those guys. How do you feel about the game, about the people, about the pride and, I don't know, how do you feel about this opportunity?

COLT MCCOY: Yeah, I thought the atmosphere was awesome. What a wonderful place to be able to play. We've been here for two days. The people have been super nice.

It's just a bummer we didn't find a way to win that game. But San Francisco played hard. They're a good football team. And we just didn't make enough plays. So but for the crowd, for the atmosphere, being able to play internationally in Mexico City, I thought it was fantastic.

Q. You obviously don't want to see Rondale get hurt, but it seemed like Greg picked up the slack pretty well tonight?

COLT MCCOY: Yeah, the guy stepped up. Rondale had a big part of the plan. So when he goes down first play of the game, that's tough. But I thought Dortch did a nice job of stepping in. And there were some timing things that he hadn't had reps on during the week that Rondale had all the reps.

But Greg Dortch is a great football player. I know Kyler trusts him. I know I trust him. He brings a lot of juice to our football team. And I thought he did a really nice job stepping up.

Q. You took some hits. Did you get banged up there at the end, or are you okay?

COLT MCCOY: I should be all right. I think when you play a team like the 49ers, you just have a little room for error. And we had some penalties in key spots. We turned the ball over. And when you do that against a good football team who is moving the ball well, it hurts you.

And so I thought we fought. I thought we competed. I thought we -- I didn't think that the Niners confused me one time tonight. I knew what they were doing. They showed me a lot of different looks. And so that's a bummer. Feel pretty good about it. But we just didn't make enough plays.

Q. Were you surprised on how the 49ers (inaudible)?

COLT MCCOY: No, I know the 49ers fans travel well. They were pretty loud. We went on the silent count most of the night. But it was a really cool stadium, a really cool experience.

Q. Did you expect the Mexican audience to be so heavily involved in the game and to know so well the rules, the atmosphere and everything about that? What do you think about Mexican fans?

COLT MCCOY: Honestly, I didn't really know what to expect. I thought they were great. A lot of 49ers fans there. It was pretty loud. The environment was fun.

Walking down through the, basically through the stadium down to the field, that's a really unique experience. So I thought it was a great atmosphere and fans were great.

Q. There were almost 80,000 people in here. This is such a historic stadium for Mexico. What do you think about the stadium? How do you feel about that?

COLT MCCOY: We thought the stadium was awesome. The environment was great. It was packed. It was loud. It was a great setup for a football game.

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127383-1-1045 2022-11-22 05:02:00 GMT

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