Inter Miami 1, Toronto 0
Q. It looked pretty clear that you had scored in the 87th minute, how did you see it?
JACOB SHAFFELBURG: I didn't really see it. I just kicked the ball and everyone else was yelling. So I don't really know what happened.
Q. Do you think your team deserved more out of this game?
JACOB SHAFFELBURG: Yeah, I thought we were the better team, but sometimes it doesn't work out like that.
Q. I just wanted to get your take on what it says about this team the way that you guys have faced down all of the difficulties that you've had this season, and somehow with everything going against you, you find a way to put an effort like that?
JACOB SHAFFELBURG: Can you repeat that? Sorry.
Q. Sort of got lost on that myself there.
Q. Just what does it say about this group and what does it say about the refusal to throw the towel in; that you guys came up with the kind of energy that you did today with everything going against you?
JACOB SHAFFELBURG: I think we were trying to do that for the fans, because you guys have been sticking with us through the whole thing that. Performance was more so for you guys to keep up with us through the rest of the year even though we're having a tough season.
Q. As has been pointed out, valiant effort, great performance, but ultimately it is a loss, the sixth in a row. How are you and the players keeping on?
JACOB SHAFFELBURG: We're trying to stay positive. Obviously it's hard when, as you said, we just lost our sixth one in a row but we are trying to keep our heads up and keep working for the rest of the season to give you guys all we have.
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