Toronto FC Media Conference

Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Jesús Jiménez

Media Conference

Toronto FC 2, LA Galaxy 2

JESÚS JIMÉNEZ: It's been like a regular thing of these matches, we lost control of the match in a bit. It was very wide open for any other teams. We had a lot of like counter attacks during the match, so it was very open and I think the tie was like a fair result for the teams tonight.

Q. Bob had said you needed a little bit of time away to get refreshed; you were feeling perhaps a little burned out. Do you agree with that and how much of a relief was it?

JESÚS JIMÉNEZ: I feel relief; I'm a striker and I want to score. Unfortunately I didn't have all the opportunities before. So it was good to have opportunities today to score and at the end of the day, also, it's the coaches decision, so I respect anything that the coach decided.

Q. As a striker, is it tough to just come in in short periods of the game? Do you need more minutes, I guess?

JESÚS JIMÉNEZ: It's not so much about the time that we play on the field because at the end of the day as strikers, we have two strikers on the team and one of us, we're going to play 90 minutes or at some times we're going to both play part of the game. I think we have to not focus too much on the time, and it's more focusing on opportunities to have more chances and create goals..

Q. Obviously admirable fight-back in the second half. What was said at halftime that sparked that?

JESÚS JIMÉNEZ: In the dressing room at the break, the players come -- to get the ball -- sorry.

Q. Does the team still think it can make the playoffs?

JESÚS JIMÉNEZ: Yeah, I believe so because we have some points to grab. We still can like make the playoff. If we win two games, we can get closer to the playoffs. So we will continue fighting until the end and we will see what we're going to get.

Q. Since Lorenzo and Federico arrived, a lot of the game goes around them, especially to make them like feel more comfortable. So if the chances are not getting to you because of the way that they are playing?

JESÚS JIMÉNEZ: For those who watch the game, they have seen that a lot, since Lorenzo and Federico arrive, the game develops a lot on the wings. It's pretty much on the wide side. But they are players who have a lot of talent and high-calibre players, but an aspect of that is the game does change a lot because they play on the outside and cut inside. Like Pooch is always trying to find the different angles to shoot. For us as strikers, sometimes it's a bit frustrating because we don't have the chances because we are always running line trying to open spaces for them. It can become a little frustrating for like the strikers because we cannot create the chances but it is part of the game.

Q. As a Toronto player, you don't like to see the goal, but as a forward, do you admire the strike?

JESÚS JIMÉNEZ: It was a great goal but there's nothing that we can do at the time. It's a great goal and we just have to like congratulate him for the amazing goal.

Q. Do you remember the last time he scored off the bench so quick?

JESÚS JIMÉNEZ: It's been so long since I scored like that, I cannot remember. It's been a long time. I always play a lot of the game so I can't remember so it's nice to have the score. It hasn't been that often that I come off the bench, so I'm just happy for the goal tonight.

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