New York Giants Media Conference

Friday, May 14, 2021

New York, New York, USA

Aaron Robinson

Press Conference

Q. What was it like getting such individualized attention from your position coach? I know it's your first day on the field but how much different is what you're learning and what you're repping at the moment from what you're used to or is it not different at all?

AARON ROBINSON: Right now, it's pretty much just getting out there, learning the basics, trying to get better at whatever Coach want me to do. Pretty much just soak his knowledge up and do whatever I can do with it out there on the field.

Q. Judge was telling us earlier that this is just a time to let you guys get on the field and kind of get your legs underneath you. But do you look at this as the first day to prove yourself to making this team, like even if he says that they are not making those judgments at this time?

AARON ROBINSON: You know, every day is a workday. You know, like I just mentioned, pretty much just trying to get better, get out there and take some good coaching and apply it.

Q. Who are some of the really good receivers you've gone against in your career that you felt like you did pretty well against?

AARON ROBINSON: Yeah, not really sure. I pretty much treated every week like it was a top receiver I was playing against and tried to get out there and do what was best for my team and myself.

Q. Can I ask you about a former teammate, maybe practice battles with Gabriel Davis, did you have any of those while he was still there?

AARON ROBINSON: Definitely had some battles with Gabe. Pretty much just great work everywhere with those guys.

Q. I'm wondering, I know it's early and these are drills and things, but can you size up your size and speed and kind of get a sense, this is your first time in the NFL against other guys that you're just doing drills with or things like that. These aren't your college teammates anymore. Can you look at Kadarius and say that's a guy -- that kind of guy would I have to cover and sense what he is and sense what you are and kind of, you know, see what you need to work on and what you're good at, things like that?

AARON ROBINSON: I mean, you know, I feel like there's always room for improvement in every area of my game. I'm pretty much just out there to work and get better every day.

Q. Can you tell anything about the first round draft pick, seeing how he moves on the field?

AARON ROBINSON: We met at the Senior Bowl. Cool guy. Everyone is pretty much there to work.

Q. What's your first impression of this coaching staff, how Judge and Henderson and these guys coach? What's a defining characteristic of how they teach in what you've seen so far?

AARON ROBINSON: I feel like putting myself in a position with my coaches and -- putting myself in a position to learn the material and, you know, like I just mentioned, trying to take everything the best way that I can and apply it to my game.

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