Q. Have you heard from Josh yet?
MARCUS McKETHAN: Not yet. It's been a little busy, but I'm pretty sure he's going to call.
Q. How exciting is it to be going to the same NFL team as your college teammate like this?
MARCUS McKETHAN: Oh, this is a great feeling, playing next to somebody for three years, just getting to go to the same NFL team, it's like a dream.
Q. How much contact did you have with the Giants during the pre-draft process?
MARCUS McKETHAN: We had a couple meetings, a couple Zoom meetings and I had a personal visit with the O-line coach. So I guess quite a bit.
Q. Have you ever played tackle?
MARCUS McKETHAN: I have a little bit but not in the last three years.
Q. Do you think that's something that you could work on developing in the NFL, or do you view yourself as a guard and like that's your wheelhouse?
MARCUS McKETHAN: I can definitely play tackle as well.
Q. How would you describe what kind of offensive lineman you are?
MARCUS McKETHAN: Just somebody that can move people, I just love contact.
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