New York Giants Media Conference

Friday, May 13, 2022

New York, New York, USA

Dane Belton

Press Conference

Q. What's your impression of what you saw last night, the playbook?

DANE BELTON: We're not fully into it. Just hitting the ground running from now. I feel like it's going to be an exciting defense. How the coaches talk about it, and the kind of scheme we run. For me, I'm just looking forward to learning more and being a part of it.

Q. What are you trying to accomplish these first few days?

DANE BELTON: Right now I'm just trying to hit the ground running, trying to learn as much as I can of the playbook, and the safeties run the defense, the defense trying to be able to make calls fast and efficient, make sure everyone is on the same page. Just trying to be mentally strong and translate to the field.

Q. The system for what you ran in college, in terms of what you're going to be asked?

DANE BELTON: It's very similar just talking about and how to control the defense. In college I was called on to get the call from the sideline and distribute our part of the call to our defense. It's very similar to that aspect. The scheme, it's a little different, the scheme as a whole. Trying to understand the defensive aspect. It's very similar to the tasks I have to do.

Q. You had the speaker outlet, are you saying have to call the defense?

DANE BELTON: Today I didn't. But he asked me if I did. Hopefully they might put it in. But understanding I have to make calls on the rotations and things like that. Being able to be efficient in that.

Q. Played like that star role at Iowa. How do you see that kind of translating here? What do you view your position or how that's going to work in the NFL?

DANE BELTON: In college I played that star role as well as safety. Right now just working on learning both safeties and being versatile, biggest thing for me. Being able to play multiple positions in college, translates to listening off the edge, covering deep and match routes underneath. Just shows my versatile aspect to myself. And right now I'm just learning safety.

Once I feel I got this down, hopefully they'll be able to move me around.

Q. Do you find the safeties being interchangeable in this defense?

DANE BELTON: Yes. Right now we are just playing left to right. Being able to know both sides, whether pass return the passing weakness, weak side, being able to know the rotation on both sides, being able to make the call fast.

Q. You played a couple (inaudible) before. Tell me what he's like as a player.

DANE BELTON: Like you said, I covered him three years, two at Nebraska and one at Kentucky. Quick player. He's in and out of space really well, an electric player. Looks to do good things. Rog is hardworking and he looked pretty good today.

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