New York Giants Media Conference

Thursday, May 25, 2023

New York, New York, USA

Andrew Thomas

Press Conference

Q. The Giants picked up your fifth year option. Obviously it was like the no brainer of all time. Do you have a reaction to that?

ANDREW THOMAS: No, it's definitely a blessing. I'm excited. Just working on getting better every day. Good thing I'll be here at least another five years and just keep working and getting better every day.

Q. Obviously that means that at this point in your career, they could start talking extensions and whatnot. Have they breached you about that? Has your agent mentioned that or talked long term deal here?

ANDREW THOMAS: We haven't really got into anything yet. If it happens, it happens. Right now I'm just focusing on the first part of the off-season, and the rest will take care of itself.

Q. Andrew, where do you want to get better specifically? Probably all over, but is there any one area of your game that you saw last year on film that you said I've got to address this for next year?

ANDREW THOMAS: Starting with my set, pass protection, just being more consistent with my inside foot, making sure I'm staying on the angle consistently. And I would say my hands in pass protection as well, especially the inside hand, making sure I keep leverage on power moves and stuff like that.

Q. What do you see from John Michael Schmitz? Does that impact you at all? Do different centers impact how you tackle?

ANDREW THOMAS: John has done a good job so far. There's a lot to learn in our offense. We have a lot of code words, different things that he has to do. The center makes most of the calls up front. So we're just encouraging him to be confident. Whatever he calls, that's how we approach the game.

So he's doing a good job for us, and I'm excited to see him play.

Q. You had a very experienced player doing that last year. Now you have a rookie probably doing that. Does that put more burden on the guards and the rest of the group, do you think?

ANDREW THOMAS: I don't think necessarily. I think we do a good job in meetings and on the practice field so far just relaying the message. If one person doesn't know the call, we make sure we all get it done at the end of the day.

He's done a good job so far, so I'm looking forward to his play.

Q. There are times when you're on the field where obviously a tight end is next to you. When you get a guy like Waller here, do you go back and start looking at tapes and see what this guy can do or how I can work with him, or do you just talk to him or what?

ANDREW THOMAS: So far he's almost like a receiver for us. For me, it really doesn't affect me that much. We haven't really got to do too many blocking drills with the tight ends just because of the rules right now.

Once we get to that, that's when we'll work with them more, like chips and things like that. Right now they're doing a lot of seven-on-seven and stuff like that. So it's just the big guys right now.

Q. Early in the career of an offensive lineman, you always hear about technique and this coach wants to tweak you this way and how you work. Have you gotten to the point now where I understand there may be technique things you work on, but you pretty much have your bag of tricks that you want to use and now it's just about refining what you do rather than coming up with new ways to develop?

ANDREW THOMAS: I think you're always looking for new ways to improve. Coach Bobby does a great job with us. He has a set rule of non-negotiable things he has, but he also allows us to be unique in each and every way. All of us are different players. So if something works for one, he might let someone do it. If something works for another guy, he might let them do it. That's a blessing to have as an offensive lineman.

Q. But you individually, have you gotten to a point now where you pretty much know how you want to handle things, or are you still looking for new things to tweak what you do technically?

ANDREW THOMAS: I would say the biggest thing is just consistency. The things that I already learned and understand, but also, like I said, just looking to learn new techniques. There might be some things I see on film from someone else that I might want to try just to see if it works for me.

Q. You were an All Pro last year. How do you feel about that going forward this year? People now look at you as one of the best left tackles in the league. Do you shoulder that?

ANDREW THOMAS: I think it starts with your approach. For me, I'm trying to get better every day regardless of the accolades. Obviously you want accolades and you want to be the best, but you don't get there by worrying about that. You get there by working every day to get better, and that's what I'm focused on.

Q. You said you want to do that. Do you feel like that? Is that something in the back of your mind, do you think, I want to be the best left tackle in the league?

ANDREW THOMAS: I'm a competitor. I want to be the best for my team. I want the team to do well. It's not just about me, but I do want to be one of the better players in the league.

Q. Do you ever talk to other left tackles who are considered great and pick their brain? Have you done that at all?

ANDREW THOMAS: When I was actually in high school, Trent Williams was at the camp, the Nike Opener, and that was the first time I met him. Obviously a great player. Even back then, he was very great, and it's great to see guys like that.

I don't talk to a whole bunch of guys, but I do watch film of different guys and see what they do. I watch Tunsil a lot and Ronnie Stanley just to see what those guys are doing because they've been doing it for a while.

Q. Have you told Trent about the high school meeting?

ANDREW THOMAS: No, I haven't. But we play them this year, so I'll talk to him.

Q. What do you think high school Andrew Thomas would have said if we told you in six years or whatever you're going to be with Trent Williams as the best left tackle in this league?

ANDREW THOMAS: He would have been stoked, excited. It's crazy for sure.

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