New York Giants Media Conference

Tuesday, June 13, 2023

New York, New York, USA

Dexter Lawrence

Press Conference

Q. What's it like to be back out, Dexter? What did you think of the group today?

DEXTER LAWRENCE: I think we looked pretty good today. A couple substitution errors on the field but easy things to fix.

Q. What's it like with Nacho --

DEXTER LAWRENCE: It's good. Nacho brings an older mindset to the group and he knows how to work. He knows how to train and he's eager to get better. He's not stubborn or anything like that. Us all having the same mindset and growing and getting better together.

Q. A'Shawn?

DEXTER LAWRENCE: A'Shawn, hasn't been over in the meetings but he's an older guy, too. He brings knowledge, and he has some strong-ass hands when he good come over. Him teaching us, just playing with your hands and bringing all that to the film room.

Q. You were -- on Sunday, what kind of vibe did you get from him, and how weird is this whole off-season without him being around?

DEXTER LAWRENCE: To me, he's still Saquon to me. He didn't really -- whatever he's going through, you just read about it or something like that. But to me, he's still Saquon to me.

Q. Is it weird not having him here?

DEXTER LAWRENCE: Of course, he's one of the leaders in the locker room. I love him and I respect him.

Q. Sheff was just talking about how guys in the off-season coming in -- what's Daniel's --

DEXTER LAWRENCE: Still coming in every morning and staying late at night. Daniel is a grinder. Guy like that, he has good traits. I don't even think he has swag -- inaudible --

Q. Any difference at all?

DEXTER LAWRENCE: He's vocal. A little more vocal. I mean, that's pretty much all I can -- he's still a great leader. I just say he's a little more vocal and demand things.

Q. Andre was talking to us earlier about how to prepare guys and he said he makes good cuts and bad cuts -- what's your feeling on that?

DEXTER LAWRENCE: I like it personally, just to see myself, see my body do something that I did see, like this is why I did it bad, you know what I mean. It's good to have -- I mean, stay humble in a sense. You know, you can have all this rah-rah highlight stuff like that but at the end of the day you still have plays that you need to fix. I respect that. He does that for the whole group. He shows us our good and he shows us why it was good and he shows us our bad.

Q. Do you learn from watching --

DEXTER LAWRENCE: Yeah, today we watched -- they said when he did certain things, how he wanted and why he wanted, it was good to see. He took it outside today and worked on it in practice, so things like that helps us develop and grow as a group.

Q. Inaudible.

DEXTER LAWRENCE: I'm excited to have the secondary wing, that's my guy. It's good to continue to not change it up again but to just grow everyone and is more comfortable out here in OTAs. Last year, it was like -- but now everybody knows what to call, when to call it.

Q. How do you -- inaudible.

DEXTER LAWRENCE: We talk -- you know, I think we probably been trying to get everybody for four, going on five years now. I think we just know -- sometimes we look at each other and know what's about to happen and know what we want to do in that play. So I think, you know, we both stayed healthy and grow through this time off and come back in the best shape of our lives and do something special.

Q. How important is it -- from last year -- inaudible.

DEXTER LAWRENCE: I think it's really important just to keep the group together. Keep the core together. He's a great leader. Guys respect him. He brings a lot of knowledge. It's like -- wow, he's getting up there.

He's always been that way. He's always been a great leader, and just to have him around is a breath of fresh air.

Q. You said Daniel doesn't have swag but sounds like you do according to your teammates.

DEXTER LAWRENCE: I've always had swag. I don't worry about that. I'm going to say, I think I'm the same guy. Goofy, genuine, caring. I think that's just who I am. I mean, I guess, I've got a little more money now, so I guess I'm more noticeable. But I don't know, I think I've always been the same. Maybe I dress a little better maybe.

Q. I'm sorry to ask this, but have you noticed your assistant Coach Patterson's weight loss and the fact that he looks a lot better, he's moving around?

DEXTER LAWRENCE: Yeah, thank God, I'm happy for him. He lost a ton of weight, and you know, he feels better. He feels more healthier. He can come out and he don't got to be on the scooter no more running around. I'm happy for him.

Q. He said you guys were giving him a lot of grief before his weight loss.

DEXTER LAWRENCE: Yeah, he knew. He knew what needed to be done and he took control of it and started and now he's in good shape, looking good.

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