Jacksonville Jaguars Media Conference

Saturday, August 14, 2021

Jacksonville, Florida, USA

Case Keenum

Postgame Press Conference


Q. Looked like you had fairly decent protection on those guys up front.

CASE KEENUM: Yeah, yeah, you could probably say better than fairly decent. I think they did a great job tonight. I've got a lot of faith in Nick, Cuddy (phonetic), and Mike and those guys up front. They did a great job. They did a really good job tonight.

Q. It's been a long time since you've been in a game even though this was a preseason game. Was it fun, exciting? What was it like for you?

CASE KEENUM: Yeah, it was definitely fun, exciting. It was great to get the rust off. It has been honestly -- I guess since week 17 of 2019 season that I got some serious playing time, so it was good to get back out there and knock some of the rust off and see the field.

It's just different in games than it is in practice. I thought it was a good night.

Q. What did you think of Donovan tonight, especially that catch he had on 3rd down? It looked like he got it with one hand.

CASE KEENUM: Yeah, I didn't get to see it really, but I'm excited to watch that on film. I saw a little bit of the replay, and, man, he did a great job. Pretty tough man coverage.

Q. What does it say about a guy like that to come back in year two, kind of stacking good plays on top of good plays, building on what he did last year?

CASE KEENUM: I think the second year in an offense always really helps to have a great foundation. He knows where to line up. He knows kind of what to expect from plays and from routes. He can really kind of work the little bitty details of (indiscernible) intricate part of this offense like a guy who's not a rookie.

Q. You got the ball early to Felton. Kind of an unfamiliar position for him, slot receiver. What did you think of him tonight?

CASE KEENUM: Yeah, I thought he did a great job. He's one of those guys you can put just about everywhere and he'll find the ball, put the ball in his hands. He did a great job tonight.

Q. I wanted to ask you about Trevor. Did you have any first impressions of him, just what you saw?

CASE KEENUM: Obviously I didn't watch. When I'm playing I'm usually working on what the defense is doing, looking at pictures and stuff. I thought our D-line did a great job, got after him a little bit. I think he was on the ground -- I don't know how many sacks, was it two or three at least, and you've got to give a lot of credit to our coverage guys down the field.

It looked like he was holding the ball for a long time, had to. So I was really proud of our defense and how they played.

Q. Even though you rested so many regulars, is this the kind of night you'd expect from a team that has lost the expectations and a roster like yours?

CASE KEENUM: Yeah, I don't think really for us we don't look at who we put out there, we don't look at who's put out there against us. As an offense for me, speaking as an offense, we want to move the ball. We want to get 1st downs.

I wanted to get in the end zone at least once, but I thought when Kyle got in there he settled in and played really well, getting in the end zone, giving those guys a chance. I don't think it matters who we put out there, who's against us. We'll try to go score any time we do.

Q. What kind of opportunity is this for Kyle to have a game like this? He'll probably get some more longer opportunities as the preseason goes along. What kind of opportunity is it?

CASE KEENUM: It's a great opportunity. Speaking from experience as a young guy, you just never know how many reps you're going to get at any point. So you've got to take advantage of them while you can. He took advantage of them tonight.

I thought he really settled in quickly and made some really good reads and throws down the field and got his chances.

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