Jacksonville Jaguars Media Conference

Sunday, November 7, 2021

Jacksonville, Florida, USA

Taven Bryan

Postgame Press Conference

Jaguars 9, Bills 6

Q. Taven, two weeks ago you went all the way to London just to watch the game, and now I would assume you would consider this the best game you've played as a professional. Anything in particular, any particular reason why you think you and the rest of the guys were able to get such penetration and such good pass rush today?

TAVEN BRYAN: You know what, I'd say we probably just worked together as a group mostly. We really got our games down, which is kind of how -- kind of the feng shui of how it goes.

Q. How would you rate it personally, your game, the game you had?

TAVEN BRYAN: Oh, it was good. I missed a couple things and some stuff I've got to clean up, but not too bad, and it's always good to go away with a win.

Q. Can you describe the locker room scene after a win like in? What was it like in there for you guys?

TAVEN BRYAN: Oh, it was good. It's always good to win. It's a good morale boost. Everybody is excited, ready to go.

Q. Overall the big picture, what does this win mean for you guys after what you've been through the first seven games of the season?

TAVEN BRYAN: You know, it's just -- we just start stacking them. There's a lot of games left and the more wins we get the better it is. Start here, and then the next week and the week after that and hopefully we can stack them all the way on out.

Q. Take us through your sack celebration there, the first one. We haven't gotten to see that probably enough. Is that something you've been thinking about for a while?

TAVEN BRYAN: Oh, the campfire? Yeah, yeah.

Q. What did it mean? What does it mean?

TAVEN BRYAN: Oh, nothing. I just thought it would be fun.

Q. Just to confirm, Taven, it's not a yoga pose, it's campfire?


Q. So is that like a Wyoming tribute or is it just --

TAVEN BRYAN: No, not really. I just thought it would be fun.

Q. Like roasting the quarterback?

TAVEN BRYAN: Yeah, kind of, I guess. It's just like a fun deal to do.

Q. Did you consult with Josh Allen or any of those guys before you came up with that celebration?

TAVEN BRYAN: I don't think so, no.

Q. Did you see him doing the Gator chomp?

TAVEN BRYAN: Oh, yeah.

Q. Can you just talk about having a game like this and what all you've been through to try to have a game like this, what it means to you to get a breakthrough game after you've had many opportunities and couldn't get it done?

TAVEN BRYAN: Oh, you know, I just think it's a good start. You know, see what next week brings me.

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