San Francisco - 30, Jacksonville - 10
Q. Malcom, what did you think about the defense's performance today?
MALCOM BROWN: Obviously, it wasn't good enough to get the job done. We didn't keep no points off the board, whatever. We've just got to get in there and get back to work, just sharpen up our keys.
Whatever it was from this game. We've got to get back and watch the film and tackle whatever those things are, the mistakes, whatever it may be.
Q. That first drive by the 49ers, I think it was like 20 plays, have you ever been a part of that? How wearing is that on a defense to be on the field for that long?
MALCOM BROWN: I don't usually get the play count on the first drive or whatever, so I don't really know how many plays I've technically been in on the first drive or whatever. But it was a long drive. We've got to get them off the field whenever it's time to get them off the field, whatever it may be.
We've just got to play our ball at the end of the day. Penalties, all that stuff we can't have, all the mistakes. Come out, play communicated defense, mistake-free defense, and we'll be good.
Q. Obviously, they were down their running backs. Your defense has been tremendous against the run. What did Deebo Samuel present that maybe you guys weren't prepared for or weren't able to counter today?
MALCOM BROWN: Like I said, I've got to get back to the film and watch it. I haven't really watched it. I'm playing from the inside out, from the A and B gap looking out. I can't tell you exactly what he did good, whatever he did bad until I watch the film and actually get to sit there and look at everything they did on offense, and then I'll react to it.
Q. Coach Meyer's talked a lot about the team building confidence. This is a young roster and a franchise that had gone a while without a win. You guys started to string something together. It felt like the team was getting more confident. What does a game like today do to that confidence that was building, especially in some of the younger players?
MALCOM BROWN: You don't lose no confidence. Our confidence is still where it's at. We've got to create -- I mean, fix the mistakes and stuff. The things that happened today that we normally don't do or we're getting better at and things that started pop up again, we need to just hone back in on those things.
Get back down to whatever the key things are that we always do. Get back to that instead of playing with mistakes and getting penalties and stuff that we're doing already, that was hurting us already. We've just got to get back to playing mistake-free football.
Q. Just talk in particular about the sequence in the first half where you guys picked up a bunch of penalties. Rayshawn kind of lost it a little bit and threw a punch. There was two penalties on one play that gave them a first down inside the 10 yard line. Can you just talk a little bit about that and what that does to a team when you make such self-inflicted errors like that.
MALCOM BROWN: As far as what it does for the team, it gives them more opportunities to drive, get the first downs, give them three more downs to get a touchdown. All penalties, you never want to have those in the game. We were doing a good job of it. We just have to get back to our technique and things like that, the things that you need so you won't get penalties. Your hands are in the right place and this and that so we won't get the penalties. We just need to hone back in on our stuff, like our technique.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports