Jacksonville Jaguars Media Conference

Sunday, November 28, 2021

Jacksonville, Florida, USA

Josh Allen

Postgame Press Conference

Falcons 21, Jaguars 14

Q. Josh, how frustrating is it for another game to end close like this with you guys on the losing end?

JOSH ALLEN: I mean, any loss is definitely just a bad feeling, especially -- it's not a good feeling right now, man. We're sick and tired of it. We're just trying to figure out what the hell -- know what I mean? I can't really answer that one. Just tired of it.

Q. How deflating can it be when the defense stops them on 3rd down, the punt team goes out and there's a penalty and it's a 1st down and that drive continues?

JOSH ALLEN: Yeah, I mean, I can't really recall the plays, but yeah, we just -- we can't have those. It's the same thing every week, know what I mean? I'm tired of just saying the same thing. Tired of giving y'all the same answer. Like I said, we've got to correct those mistakes and not let those happen again. That goes on players and coaches. We've got to look at each other, look at yourself and okay, we can't make these mistakes, and we keep making those. Got to find out what the problem is and say move on.

Q. You got banged up I think twice today, shoulder and then something with your leg. Can you take us through those?

JOSH ALLEN: Man, yeah. Just a little shoulder injury first one, and it hurt, but I ended up finishing the game off that, and then towards the end I just started cramping in both my legs, and that one right there, that was just a bad feeling for me because it was the end of the game. It was a chance for us to make a big play to get the offense closer to scoring the ball. Just to have that right there, man, I have to do something to -- I'm going to find a way to never let that happen again. I'll make sure that never happens again. Got to be on the field.

Q. Obviously Patterson really gassed you guys early on. What was he doing that you hadn't expect or seen in recent weeks?

JOSH ALLEN: He was just taking the hole that was open, like overrunning the block or playing too thick on the block. We just had to figure it out what was happening. I feel like once we communicated all, we've got to start in our gaps first and foremost, but he did a good job finding those holes and making the best of them. But I feel like towards the game, I feel like we started to really settle down, and okay, we know what they're doing because they were running the same plays it seemed like. Look at the film, and we know we're going to see that next week. It's the type of league we play in, and we know that -- we saw the same plays from last week. We've just got to fix those mistakes, but shout out to Tyson, man. First career interception. Kudos to him. I felt like he played one of his best games by far. He looked like a real pro out there, and it was just good to see improvement from individual players such as himself, and shout-out to Roy getting a sack too. Still a lot to improve on, but for those two guys, for Tyson, he's taken the next step, and hopefully he continues to grow.

Q. Not that we want to compare losing streaks but you have been a part of losing streaks here. How is this one different?

JOSH ALLEN: I mean, it's the same to me. Loss is a loss. Go home and start thinking about what the heck. It's a good thing for me, I get to go home to a beautiful family like a lot of other guys, and that cheers me up just a smidge bit, and good food. But like it's -- man, I don't want to be a part of it. I hate losing. It's just something that we have to change, man. Something that we're going to change. If not now, it's tomorrow, next week, whenever. We've all got to figure this stuff out, players and coaches and all. We've got to figure it out soon because we can't keep doing this. Tired of it. We all are. We've got LA this week, short week, we're going to go out there Friday, I think. I don't know the schedule, but stick with what we do, man, and just to get off our feet, get our bodies back right, get healthy.

Dan, man, that was a big loss and hopefully he gets healthy soon. Just pray for him and his family just to stay healthy.

Q. You mentioned settling in just a minute ago. The past few weeks the defense has settled in and played well down the stretch. How do you guys get it going earlier in the game so you don't have that settle-in period?

JOSH ALLEN: I mean, just the flow of the game. We have to play complementary football all around. Offense, defense, special teams, we all have to -- the defense not doing what they do, we need the offense to come in and do what they do, special teams to fire us up. But we take so much pride and so much emphasis on -- we're going to win this game as a defense, we're going to win this game up front. We feel like the best players on the defense are up front, and we take pride in that. We take pride in them running the ball. It was just something as a D-line that kind of was just -- we felt like it was our fault, know what I mean, so we kind of take this one and we've just got to play better. Everybody has to play better, offense has to play better, special teams has to play better. We've got to coach better. We've got to do everything better. You know what I mean?

Q. On a brighter note you kind of mentioned Tyson. Have you seen him staying after practice and putting the work in to improve on his craft?

JOSH ALLEN: I mean, it's just things that you don't do. It's things you do when nobody else is around you. I'm out there getting extra work and he is out there getting extra work, but it's the stuff that what does he do when he's at home. Does he sit around, sleep or whatever or is he watching film and trying to get better. He could be at home doing steps. Whatever he's doing, continuing to grow because we definitely need it, and with Shaq being down, but man, Tyson, he had a heck of a game, man. Hopefully he continues to grow and continues to lead the charge back there, man, and make some more happen.

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