Texans 30, Jaguars 16
Q. Malcom, you kind of cleared the way for that James Robinson touchdown. Do you enjoy getting in there on offense at fullback and getting a chance to block?
MALCOM BROWN: Yeah, if I can bring a little energy, anything it takes to get us a score, so if I'm out there I can help with whatever the team needs.
Q. Have you started telling Coach Bev that he needs to give you a handoff yet?
MALCOM BROWN: Man, I don't tell him nothing. If they call a play, I just run it. Like I said, if they want to throw it to me, just be reliable when it happens.
Q. How do you feel about this game you had, the very first drive you had a pass blocked and then you got a nice sack and then the block for James Robinson to go in there. How do you feel like today's game was for you on a personal individual level?
MALCOM BROWN: It was good. I mean, we didn't get the win, so that kind of cloudies everything at the end of the day. No matter their performance or anything, it's still a team game, so my individual accomplishments don't matter. The team lost, so I'm feeling that right now. We'll go back in here and watch the film and assess it and try to get better.
Q. Obviously you guys are a long way from where you want to be as a team. I guess the mindset going forward the last three games, where are you at?
MALCOM BROWN: Man, just get a dub, stay together. There's been a lot of stuff going on around the building, around the league, whatever, with COVID and everything. Just to stay focused, get wins, come in, just stay together. Like I said, and really the main goal is just to get wins.
Q. A lot has been made about the offensive guys for everything that's happened, knowing that Bev was elevated to interim head coach. What has it been like for you defensive guys the last five, six days?
MALCOM BROWN: Work. I mean, we just come in and do the same thing. We've been very fortunate there ain't much going on on the defensive side of the ball. We come in and kind of just continue what we're doing. I know it's a team thing that's going on, but we can also, once that 8:00 hits, whatever time it starts in the day, we go into our meeting groups, everything is kind of honed in on football. We all get in on football. Defense-wise we come in and continue to do the same thing, try to get better every week.
Q. What was it like having Bev in his first game serving as head coach?
MALCOM BROWN: It was good.
Q. I don't know if he gave a big pregame speech? Is he that kind of hoo-rah guy? What was it like for you guys?
MALCOM BROWN: Brought some energy. Guys were happy. Like I said, the result at the end of the day is still not what we want, so it clouds everything at the end of the day.
He came in with a lot of energy, gave some good speeches. Everybody is -- we're all feeling it. Like I said, we've got to just get back in and watch the film, assess the mistakes and everything and get back to work at it.
Q. Malcom, how hard is it for yourself and the defense as a whole when you're off the field, you take a sip of Gatorade and go back out there? How hard is it to keep the motivation up with all that?
MALCOM BROWN: It's not hard. You know, for a guy like me, and I'll continue to tell the defense that. Every time we get a chance to touch on the field it's a chance to make some plays. It's an opportunity to go stop the offense. Doesn't matter what happens on offense, we come out there with the same energy as this is our stuff, we're going to stop y'all, whatever it is. We don't let the game persuade us much. Whatever happens on special teams, offense, we want it to be complementary, but if there's anything that goes wrong, we don't let it affect us on defense. If there's something good, yeah, we're there for the offense, but as far as something bad happening, we kind of just roll with the punches go out there and try to keep the game right.
Q. Now that you've had a couple of days and then you get a game under your belt after the coaching change and everything, what do you expect next like to be like as a normal week? Would it be nice to have a normal week? Do you miss having a normal week? Just uneventful?
MALCOM BROWN: I ain't even thought about it in that sense. I'm thinking about tomorrow. I'm the kind of person, I look today, I might peek at tomorrow a little bit, but as far as Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, I can't tell you much. We've still got to go tomorrow, watch this film, get better at it. There's a lot of stuff we've got to analyze. Tuesday brings another day of whatever, rejuve, get the body back right. It's the week. I don't know what that looks like right now. I've still got to let my body react from the game, the adrenaline and stuff. There's a little falloff time after the game pick it back up as for your question too far ahead because I really don't know what that looks like.
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