Jaguars 26, Colts 11
Q. (About the incentives.) Did you tell Darrell or Trevor about that?
MARVIN JONES JR.: No, I think everybody knew, I didn't even have to say anything. It was all over social media, and I'm not on social media. That was like the topic of the team. I think the message was pretty clear.
Q. How cool is that, though, that Darrell Bevell was in here saying, yeah, we love to get guys that stuff.
MARVIN JONES JR.: Yeah, of course. It's good because you hear a lot of stories, and I know a lot of stories of people that don't get it, but hey, you just go out there, and my thing is go out there and be you and it'll happen. So it did, and got the win.
Q. Would you like to share one of those stories?
MARVIN JONES JR.: No, because that's for somebody else.
Q. Marv, this looked to be one of the most comfortable games for Trevor in the pocket, reading the offense, executing for all of you guys. Why was today the day that everything clicked?
MARVIN JONES JR.: Obviously we had a great game plan, and he's been looking great all week, confident, comfortable. He told me once he got out from warming up, he was like, you'd better be running because I'm about to sling it, and I was like, yeah, you'd better sling it because I'm going to be running.
He felt great, and I think it was just everybody was comfortable and confident and let loose. Like nothing matters but just us going out there and having fun.
It's bittersweet because it was the last game, so I think going forward, everybody just play free, play with no worries and do your job and be confident in the game plan and in your abilities. I think everybody did that today, and it showed out there.
Q. I know it's not necessarily the day since we're fresh off the day and I don't know if we're talking to you specifically tomorrow, but when you look back at you guys going up to Clemson, throwing with Trevor, everything you've been through the last four months, what did today mean to you?
MARVIN JONES JR.: It meant a lot. Like I said in an interview a couple days ago, you always want that good taste in your mouth at the end of the season. We've been through a hell of a lot as a team, mentally, so just to come out here and put on a display like that, just like I said, it's bittersweet. Everybody is jumping around, and they're like, damn, we could have been doing this -- see, we could have been doing this the whole time. You kind of get that little feeling.
But hey, it's just great to go out like this, great to see a smile on everybody's faces, and you know, great to look towards the future, whatever that is, with whoever is in the locker room.
Q. Some of the guys have been throwing around the word "momentum" heading into the off-season. What does off-season momentum really look like? What does it do for a player as they prepare for next year?
MARVIN JONES JR.: It does a lot, because quite honestly, you don't play football for another 17 weeks until you start getting back in here and competing and stuff like that. Momentum, it means a lot to a player, especially a young player. We had young guys out there, DT, sis co, everybody, they were out there, and they did a fantastic job.
For them, this is the last thing that's on their mind, so when they're on their off-season, they're going to think how good they played and how great their potential is, and it gives you that edge coming into the next season.
Momentum is everything, and vice versa, if you don't have that momentum now, you're sitting there thinking of oh, I should have did this, I should have did this, we could have did this, and you're like, dang, I can't wait to go back and erase this from my head.
It's important for players, coaches, everybody.
Q. Dealing with the coaching change and some of the drama off the field and whatnot, where did the leadership come from this season from inside the locker room?
MARVIN JONES JR.: I think that was important. What we dealt with this season, nobody in their right mind would have thought when you came here that that was going to happen. It was great to have the leaders and the people in our locker room that we had to really keep the team together because there was -- sheesh, it was hard.
I took pride on myself to make sure I can't get in one of those moments to where I'm going off, because everybody is following me. It was good for me and a lot of leaders on this team to really just keep the young guys, like hey, this is not the NFL, don't think this is like the NFL. This is what you do, this is what you do, follow me in this and don't do this and do this and follow here and stuff like that. The leaders on our team within the locker room did an amazing job with the circumstances that we had and all the challenges that we had facing, internally and externally. I tip my hat to everybody in the locker room, the OG - I guess I'm the OG - and the youngest person, just sticking together and having fun together.
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