Jacksonville Jaguars Media Conference

Sunday, January 9, 2022

Jacksonville, Florida, USA

Ryan Kelly

Visitors Postgame Press Conference

Jacksonville Jaguars 26, Indianapolis Colts 11

Q. Ryan, do you have any thoughts on the last two weeks? Just didn't feel like it was you guys?

RYAN KELLY: Yeah. I think it started when we couldn't get the run game generated the last two weeks. And so -- we pride ourselves on doing that. So I guess we'll have to go back to the drawing board because I just felt like we couldn't get anything going. Couldn't get momentum going. We didn't play -- just seemed like there was a block here. We just couldn't get on the same page. So certainly a disappointing way to end the season.

Q. Did you think you guys would be here right now? You came so far. You were in control, you know.

RYAN KELLY: Yeah. It's kind of a shock to everybody, you know. There's not many words to describe it. So certainly every loss hurts. But coming here and controlling your own destiny in the last two weeks of the season, to go in and not handle your business is a sting that will hurt for a long time.

Q. You guys are, seven Pro Bowlers. You had two shots the last two weeks. Is it disappointing? Is it shock? Why is this team not playing --

RYAN KELLY: I think we can only look at ourselves for that, you know. We certainly have the talent. We have the leadership in the room to do it, in every room. We just didn't do it. And I'm sure that will be speculated on, and we'll look at everything that we can look at to figure it out.

But I think, ultimately, we just got beat today. And we got beat against the Raiders. So as hard as that is to say after some of the big -- the monster wins that we've had, it just -- for a season to end this way after all that we've gone through, where we started off at, you know, and digging ourselves such a big hole and to climb out of that, to get back on top and top of the Wild Card in the AFC to mess up the last two games, it hurts, man. So I don't know.

Q. Ryan, you talk about the run game. But six quarterback sacks. I think Jacksonville gave up 10 individual quarterback hits. It seemed like it was uncharacteristic for you. Was it a matter of their will wanting more of it up front?

RYAN KELLY: I'm sure we'll go back and look at it. But, you know, obviously, when we can't get the run game going -- I think teams understand who we are. You know, we're run emphasis first. And, obviously, we have to be better in the pass game. But, yeah, I don't know. I wouldn't say they were bringing a lot of blitzes or anything like that. So, yeah. Kind of speechless on that answer, to be honest with you. I don't know. Just didn't play good enough.

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