Jacksonville Jaguars Media Conference

Sunday, November 27, 2022

Jacksonville, Florida, USA

Coach John Harbaugh

Visitors Postgame Press Conference

Ravens 27, Jaguars 28

JOHN HARBAUGH: Okay, appreciate you being here. Hats off to the Jaguars. They played a good game. Made plays when they needed to make them and found a way to win a tough football game.

Thought it was going to be that kind of game; it was and they won it. We are disappointed, but moving on. We got to get ready for the next one. Got the Broncos coming in Sunday at our place and going to get ready for that.

Q. John, on the last touchdown, did it look like it was a touchdown?

JOHN HARBAUGH: They reviewed it. I'm not sure what they said. Nobody explained to me why they didn't say the shin was out. I didn't get an explanation on that.

Q. John, could you go over the decision to kick with Tucker instead of trying for the Hail Mary?

JOHN HARBAUGH: Yeah, I think the kick has a better chances than a Hail Mary.

Q. John, you guys were able to contain them. In the fourth quarter they really (indiscernible). Could you see what was (indiscernible)...

JOHN HARBAUGH: Well, generally they completed some big passes on us. That's what it boils down to. When they had to they got some chunk passes and got down the field.

That's why I say hats off to them. They did a good job.

Q. John, offensively before that, seemed like red zone was a little bit of trouble. Do you know what was happening, the problem?

JOHN HARBAUGH: Yeah, we got stopped. You try to call your best plays. Sometimes you think you can run it in, you try it run it in, doesn't work. Sometimes you try to pass it in. We just didn't go a good job until the red zone is the bottom line.

Get down there and kick, what, four field goals? That's tough. Those are big trips down there, and obviously touchdowns are what you're looking for. That is something we have to improve going forward. That's really important for us.

Q. John, we saw Marlon left and came back. Was that just a temporary...

JOHN HARBAUGH: Yeah. Twisted ankle. Looks like should be okay.

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127475-1-1041 2022-11-27 22:16:00 GMT

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