Jacksonville Jaguars Media Conference

Sunday, October 8, 2023

Jacksonville, Florida, USA

Calvin Ridley

Postgame Press Conference

Jaguars 25, Bills 20

Q. Talk about the willingness to hang in there, having two fumbles and not letting gaffs like that (indiscernible).

CALVIN RIDLEY: Yeah, he's more than ready for those big moments. We trust Trevor no matter what. He's going to make the right read. He's going to do the right thing at the right time. Closer to the end of the game, you seen he made some good plays, some great throws and good checks and put us in a position to win.

Q. Is this about what you thought you'd have with him? It seemed like today you felt like you were on the same page kind of on a different level?

CALVIN RIDLEY: Yeah, we practice no matter what, if it's two targets a game, we practice like it's 10 targets a game. We definitely have the chemistry. We're ready to make the plays and do whatever we have to do to help the team win. Today Coach was calling my number and I was trying to make the plays, and Trevor was making some great throws.

Q. Can you talk about the 32-yard completion on 3rd down and 6?

CALVIN RIDLEY: Yeah, they went zero. They put a safety on me, and honestly, I think we were running, I think, but Trevor checked it. He seen the safety on me, gave me a good check, and we made a big play.

Q. How do you feel about (indiscernible) what made the difference between playing in Jacksonville and here?

CALVIN RIDLEY: Yeah, the difference I think, it's not that hot. It's hot, very hot in Jacksonville. Get some good weather here. It's just a different scenery. The whole team, we stayed in a hotel together. We went down to London. We hung out together. I think we just hung out more with each other and bonded real well, and I felt all week, especially this week versus the Bills, I knew they had a good team, but the way the week was going, I just knew that I think we're going to win this game for sure.

Q. (On being away 10 days).

CALVIN RIDLEY: Kinda. It was kinda like that. We didn't try to make -- we just tried to make it business. We didn't know what to expect. This is my first time over there. Honestly, me personally, I loved the 10 days. I loved coming over here. I thought it was great for me to get away from Jacksonville, to come out here and see a different city. I've never been here. I had a blast here, honestly.

Q. Your third highest receiving yards in any game in your career (indiscernible) do you feel like this is your best season ever in your career?

CALVIN RIDLEY: I'm still working; how about that? I'm still working, man. I thought I was really good, but I'm still trying to get better.

I'm getting better; how about that? I'm in my sixth year, and I'm still getting better. I think that's something good to see.

Q. (Indiscernible) how satisfying is it to play the way you did today?

CALVIN RIDLEY: You know, I'm not like -- I really don't care about the stats and everything. I really just want to win because we work hard. We practice all week. I run a lot during the week; know what I'm saying? To come out there, run around, catch some passes, but the goal is to win the game. Coach said it before we came out here, he said, we're coming here to win two games, and that's what we did. Getting the Ws are the main goal.

Q. You came here with a 1-2 record, leaving here 3-2. How do you feel the team has played in Europe and how do you go back to Jacksonville now?

CALVIN RIDLEY: Yeah, I think we played pretty good. Obviously we could be better. We want to be the best offense and the best all phases of teams, defense, special teams. But I think we played good. We played the first team, the Falcons, a really good team, got a W against them, and obviously played Josh Allen and the Bills and got a W. But we need to go back and enjoy the win tonight on the plane, but get our minds back right, have another great week of practice. That's what we've been doing. We've been the leaders on the team, we've been gathering, and everything has been going right how we want it, and getting better each and every week.

Q. How are you feeling now physically?

CALVIN RIDLEY: Physically I'm sore, but my body is strong. I work out every week. I'll be ready to do it again next week.

Q. You are one of the leaders of the team --

CALVIN RIDLEY: I just got here, so I'm working my way up the ranks; how about that?

Q. (Indiscernible).

CALVIN RIDLEY: Yeah, Trevor, they lined up in empty, and Trevor looked at me and gave me a signal, and I ran what he gave me. I was just staring at him like what are we going to do, what do you want to do, and he gave me something, and he made a great throw.

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