Jacksonville Jaguars Media Conference

Sunday, October 20, 2024

Jacksonville, Florida, USA

Andre Cisco

Postgame Press Conference

Jaguars 32, Patriots 16

Q. How do you sum of the defensive play today?

ANDRE CISCO: Yeah, slow start, unfortunately, but we were able to get it together and start playing as a defense. I think the pass rushers getting the QB off his spot and the secondary we had a good day in coverage.

Q. What changed from last Sunday to today in terms of locker room feeling?

ANDRE CISCO: I think we just stuck to our process, allowed ourselves to continue to grow. I think being in London is a unique opportunity to get closer to each other and to lean in. I think there was a lot of that this week. It showed in practice and showed up today.

Q. We were talking about records broken in international and franchise history. How pleased are you with him to be able to get that?

ANDRE CISCO: Super happy for Parker. I think he took advantage of the opportunity today. It was a long time coming it seems like for him because he's explosive on returns, but today he broke loose. I'm super happy for him and the team.

Q. Andre, how did you go about shutting down (indiscernible) in weeks?

ANDRE CISCO: I think a lot of it is just going to be being more disciplined in coverage. I think when it became zones, they started manipulating our zones a little bit and using the tight ends and kind of working off some of the guys in the middle and being able to hit open spots on the field.

So not a lack of ability to cover at all. Just understanding what they're going to be trying to do what's on film.

Q. Andre, a quarterback like Drake Maye has the ability to make plays with his feet as well as his arm. In the secondary what shifts do you intend for your approach taking on a QB with that skill set?

ANDRE CISCO: We try to just stick to our rules. When he does get loose, you want to stay back because he can throw on the run obviously. He had a few when he escaped and got some yardage. For the secondary, honestly, it kind of stays the same.

Q. Andre, what did you sense, the reaction of your teammates to your comment earlier in the week? What kind of feedback did you get? Were they glad you said it or put off by it? What was the reaction?

ANDRE CISCO: The general reaction was, Were you are talking about somebody in particular? Once that kind of cleared the air, I would say the conversations were productive.

It was along the lines of how I felt in my personal position on the field. Obviously didn't say it how I wanted to in that moment. Just raw emotion.

Definitely allowed each other to just talk about it. I know some guys were, like, Oh, I heard about your quote. Were you talking about somebody in particular? I was, like, No, not at all, more so just the feel of the game.

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