Jacksonville Jaguars Media Conference

Sunday, November 10, 2024

Jacksonville, Florida, USA

Coach Doug Pederson

Postgame Press Conference

Vikings -12, Jaguars - 7

DOUG PEDERSON: ... touchdown drive and then after that, we couldn't stay on the field. Credit Minnesota on what they did defensively, Coach Flores, they did their stuff. And we didn't overcome a few things. Had a couple of setbacks on first down. Had too many seconds and longs. But this game is not about one person or one man. It's a team sport, and we just didn't do enough today.

Q. What kind of feedback, if any, did Mac give you about the two interceptions? Seemed like he stared down Gabe on the one, and then on the long pass looked like he got hit on the release. So I don't know what that did to change the trajectory of the ball.

DOUG PEDERSON: I've got to -- honestly, we've got to watch the tape tomorrow, watch it with them and the players, get feedback, because I didn't necessarily speak to them after -- the two change of possessions like that, we were right back on defense, so I didn't get a chance to talk to him at that time.

Q. Any feedback afterwards in the locker room from him?

DOUG PEDERSON: He's hurting. He's taking it hard. I just told him, it's again it's not about one guy. This is a team deal and offensively we didn't do enough around Mac -- and I'm not -- listen, it takes 11 guys.

Q. Why did you have such a difficult time today getting the ball to your wide receivers? I think there were only three targets to them in the first three quarters?

DOUG PEDERSON: Minnesota did a nice job. They showed, if you watch the game, they showed a lot of six up, seven up, which they do. Play a lot of cover 2, spin out to cover 2, a lot of cloud stuff. And then, of course, the pass rush.

So it's a challenge. It's a challenge. And we obviously have to do a better job when we see that kind of stuff and execute. As coaches, we can prepare a little better there and help our guys out. But I credit what they did.

Q. Just from a big picture standpoint, what's your level of disappointment and maybe even shock just being 2-8 through 10 games?

DOUG PEDERSON: Never expected to be here, obviously. Where we had five or six games, they're one-score games. It's hard. As a team, as coaches, we're making it hard, too hard. And the guys are frustrated, and they should be; and they're angry, and they should be because we all are. But we have to channel it in a positive way and get ready for another one.

Q. I know you mentioned that last week they were crowding Brian Thomas a little bit, taking him away. Did you see more of that stuff today, or is it just Minnesota's defense? And is there anything you can do to it to get him into the game because it's been so minimal touching the ball the last couple of weeks?

DOUG PEDERSON: They did play it more. I mean, this is a cover 2 defense. And they did a lot of that today. And then, again, their pass rush did a nice job. Got some pressure on Mac, made him scramble early, and then so it's a combination of both.

It's what they did schematically to us and then just our execution offensively.

Q. What was the play? What was supposed to happen on the final Mac interception, if he didn't get hit and throw the pick?

DOUG PEDERSON: I'm not going to go through the details of the play because you guys wouldn't figure it out. But we'll look at the tape tomorrow and we'll make those corrections.

Q. You guys have worked so hard on trying to get things going early. Second drive, nine plays, 70 yards, four passes, five runs. That ended up being half your offense. Are you shocked that you got it done the way you did but then you couldn't continue it throughout the remaining three quarters?

DOUG PEDERSON: Shocked that we were able to score?

Q. Just move the ball with the type of success on that nine-point drive?

DOUG PEDERSON: I wasn't shocked during the game. That's what we're expected to do. I think as the game progressed, it just got seemingly worse, right, first down, run the ball, we got behind the chains. Second and long. It just got harder offensively.

That was the frustrating part, I think, just not staying positive on first down because you go back to that drive, that's what we did. We were able to stay on the field and stay positive on first down.

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150491-1-1045 2024-11-10 21:57:00 GMT

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