Men's Olympic Golf Competition

Thursday, 1 August 2024

Paris, France

Le Golf National

South Korea

Tom Kim

Quick Quotes

Q. You've got a new putter in the bag. What was the reason behind that and what difference has it made?

TOM KIM: It's definitely different from what I've used but it's not as different. It's the same neck and it actually sits better on the ground for me. The lines are the same. It's different at the same time but it's actually not. Kind of just gave me a different feel over the ball and definitely put a lot of work into it over The Open Championship and it definitely performed well.

Q. The reason bringing it into the Olympics, was it planned after The Open?

TOM KIM: It definitely wasn't in mind to be honest. It actually just kind of happened. They shipped it over after the British. I didn't really plan to switch. It was just out-performing the one I was using and made sense.

Q. I know you said military exemption isn't the motivation for a medal but after what happened to Sangmoon Bae, how much does that worry you looking forwards?

TOM KIM: I think that's -- it doesn't worry me at all. It's the way our country works and if golf takes care of everything -- just because it happened to him doesn't mean it happens to other people. You can't say that it affected him at all. There could be different things that happened. It's not on my mind at all and I'm trying to focus on my game.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
146980-1-1003 2024-08-01 13:28:00 GMT

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