Florida Cup: Everton vs. Pumas UNAM

Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Orlando, Florida, USA

Camping World Stadium

Pumas UNAM

Alan Mozo

Media Conference

Everton - 1, Pumas UNAM - 0

Q. How did this game help you mid-week against an opponent such as this one? What learning have you gained from this and how can this inspire other youth for this kind of activity?

ALAN MOZO: Well, really this game is the opportunity for us as youth, but also as players so that we could show our institution how big it is. It's an international game. It's a great opportunity and we're most proud of having been able to confront it the way we did it and very proud of this.

I'm very proud of all of my, the members of my team. This helps us for the game on Saturday, which is the most important thing, a local tournament. And I am sure that this is going to be a very productive week, indeed.

Q. This game is very important, as you have said for the Pumas and for the division, because where we see you here representing, this is a great pride. For you aside from being more in the international field, how does this affect you internally? What have you learned from this?

ALAN MOZO: Yes, Pumas, it's a maximum powerhouse. It's such a big institution. And, as you say, it's a big team from Mexico that has followers all over the world, fans all over the world, here in Orlando.

And this is a window of new opportunity that we have gladly opened. And I think that these games are more than just a competition. They show the world what we are made of and give us the opportunity of representing our team with great pride and honor.

Q. What do you think that the team still needs to have a better version of itself in the game? And what did you think about Orlando, the place where you stayed, and would you like to repeat this experience in the future?

ALAN MOZO: Well, of course, I thought that the team was very comfortable. But the availability, the good disposition was always there. And we are going to be seeing as days go by a better Pumas. A lot of it is going to depend on not just our work but the talent of each player.

All of my members of my team are most motivated, excited and looking forward to brighter days. And I think the city is spectacular, the people, the food. The people especially were always there with us. This is something that I'm going to remember. And we would love to see other teams come and experience the same joy that we have experienced, a city full of energy, a city that embraces events. It's a great opportunity and I think that this opens doors for many other possibilities.

Q. In the left of field, what does Chizpa (phonetic) give you inasmuch as you're in the (indiscernible) and you have a field with more experience? What advice would you give in order to have a better management?

ALAN MOZO: As you say, Chizpa (phonetic) is unique in this team. He's an example. He has a lot of good advice for the youth. He has years of experience. And this is something that we greatly value. He's always looking after the kids.

And before this game, I think that the youngest one, when the youngest one was born he was already making his debut. So, he's bringing great experience to the team. He said there's never a bad loss. In any opportunity we have to attack, we have to give our best. And he has the best disposition to help. And I think that he has been an utmost help to the team as a whole.

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110781-1-1045 2021-07-29 01:45:00 GMT

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