Atletico Nacional - 3, Millonarios - 2
Q. What conclusion do you get from the trip in Florida?
ALEJANDRO RESTREPO: I believe it's a very positive feeling to be able to present ourselves here, to be able to continue the buildup of the team through this project, for having [played] some of the games that we have been training for for over six weeks. My feeling that the group is developing a feeling of competition and that they are tolerating a great number of minutes for some of them, and this makes us very happy.
Q. Felipe Aguilar and others were with the team. How would you qualify the performance of these players?
ALEJANDRO RESTREPO: We're very happy that they have done a very good presentation. They have demonstrated why we decided to go for them to bring them to this project. The 90 minutes that were played were very good. There were some advantages on the right [side of the] field. There was very good teamwork in all of the forwards. And Felipe, with his leadership and ability to find advantages, did very well. And also the capability that he had and his understanding of the game is very decisive, with very good possibilities. We're very happy that they played and we're looking forward to the great next things that they'll do.
Q. And going back to the league what should we keep and what should we change thinking about the game of next week?
ALEJANDRO RESTREPO: To continue growing in that initial phase of the buildup, since this is all preparing ourselves to handle ourselves better as a group, and having good plans in this process will help us continue to correct ourselves and find the details of the game with our technical team, find the ways in which we can improve our game and continue growing. We took a step forward, we grew and this gives me great peace of mind.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports