Atletico Nacional - 3, Millonarios - 2
Q. Could you tell us a little bit about Vega. How much do you think he was missing especially in the first half?
ALBERTO GAMERO: He left in a game against Everton and we're expecting for him to get completely well for the next game, which is an important game. But there are two players who got hurt. It was nothing really grave, it's mostly as a precautionary measure.
Q. In which way should you prepare for the upcoming games?
ALBERTO GAMERO: I believe that it was an open game, our game. I believe that for most people it was a great show. Their transitions and ours were fast. We always had a [strong] defense, but for the most part the midfield was disorganized because we were trying to find the proper way. But I think that this is something that helps us to work to improve.
This is something that allows us to look for corrections and that is what we have been doing. And by the same token I think that we always need to be looking for that. Looking for a way of being solid, of coming through, of working together, and I think that we're going to find that.
Q. What conclusions do you get from Everton and Atletico Nacional?
ALBERTO GAMERO: This leaves me with a good taste. This gives me a good idea of what we can do. These were two big teams, two important teams at the margin of the results [was close].
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports