Q. Susannah, how was your solo tour of New York City today?
SUSANNAH SCARONI: It was wonderful. I had a wonderful day. I felt great. It's always a blessing. This course will challenge you every step of the way, and so I just tried to meet each of those challenges and hope that the gap that I had could extend or at least maintain, and really thankful.
Q. Were people telling you how far -- you won by more than 10 minutes. Did you know? Could you sense it?
SUSANNAH SCARONI: Nobody was saying that, and all I could tell was when people would say my name, I didn't hear any other women's names, so I was thinking, okay, maybe they're not within earshot at least. But I have been passed in the park before, so I just didn't want to give up any moment.
Q. Daniel, your race was the opposite, came down to a three-man sprint. How much did you have to trust that you could out-sprint David and Tomoki coming into the park?
DANIEL ROMANCHUK: Yeah, certainly very, very tight race all the way. I think if it weren't for the manhole that we hit on 1st Avenue, it would have been a four-man sprint. Certainly just it came down to just give it everything I had left and hope that's enough.
Q. Susannah, how demoralized were you after Chicago, and how difficult was it to shake that off and get yourself ready for today?
SUSANNAH SCARONI: Yes, so I would say it was a little bit the opposite of demoralization in Chicago. I did get a flat front tire at mile 3. But up to that point, I had been able to create a gap from a strong field, and I felt amazing that day.
So actually I just was like, okay, this is giving me some confidence for New York City. I'm going to pivot immediately to focus there.
I'm just so thankful that I'm still feeling good. It can be hard to prioritize so many races in the year. Just so thankful that I was able to at least end on a good note when Chicago was absolutely disappointing, but not demoralizing at least.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports