Florida Gators Orange - 10, Florida Gators Blue - 7
THE MODERATOR: Joined By Jack Miller III.
Q. I just want to get your thoughts on this spring game and how it compared just the experience for you to last year, the differences, and maybe some of the similarities for you.
JACK MILLER III: I feel like this year I felt a lot more prepared for it. I felt a lot more comfortable out there. I feel like I played a little bit better than I did last year. Still not as good as I would have liked, but definitely seeing improvement.
Q. I just also want to get your thoughts on Billy said he maybe wasn't expecting the pocket to be so muddy. Just the pressure you faced tonight, your thoughts and how confident you are that that can get cleaned up?
JACK MILLER III: I think the defense did a good job tonight playing. I think they showed tonight -- the new DC really showed that they're a legit defense. We see it every day in practice, so we weren't really too surprised.
They played a really good game, and we'll get it cleaned up. I mean, we just have to get the protections cleaned up, and we'll be all right.
Q. You said that you thought you saw some improvement from your game. What were some of the things that stood out?
JACK MILLER III: I felt like sitting in the pocket and kind of getting through reads faster, knowing what routes are good against what coverage and what play is not good against what coverage. I think that's the biggest step I've taken in the past year.
Q. You guys had a genuine split of reps tonight. What did you see from Graham and what kind of opportunity was this for you to push each other in this competition?
JACK MILLER III: It was a really good opportunity for us to compete out there. I think we both pushed each other every single day, so it was really cool just to see him playing good and really just trying to answer every single time they would go down for a drive. We compete every single day, so it's nothing new.
Q. The 12th play 84-yard touchdown drive, and you kind of found Burke at the end. What was it like to be believed that drive, and you had some pretty good runs from Treyaun Webb too also.
JACK MILLER III: Yeah, that was a really good drive. Cam, was that the drive he had the hurdle on? Yeah, Cam is the real deal. Man, I love watching him every single day in practice. He had a really good -- that was probably his best job of the night, too. Give that guy the ball, he gets out of there.
It was definitely a really good drive. It was super cool to end it with the touchdown to Burke, too. That was a guy we were talking about earlier. We said, we're going to get one tonight, and we ended up getting one so it's pretty cool.
Q. You carried it a few times, pulled it a couple of times. Maybe how much more confident are you now in your running ability maybe compared to the beginning of spring or even fall?
JACK MILLER III: Yeah, I think I've gotten a lot faster, honestly, probably since last year, so I feel pretty confident. I think it's a part of my game that can definitely be utilized. Yeah, I feel good about it.
Q. What's the biggest thing you guys need to work on between now and August?
JACK MILLER III: I think chemistry and coming together really as a team now instead of just it's always offense versus defense during practice and stuff like that.
I think these next few months it's about coming together as a full team and knowing we're going to be wearing the same color on a Saturday, so we're not really enemies. We're on the same team. So I think that's the biggest thing.
Q. How is the dynamic between you and Graham, and how do you go into the offseason working together, getting the receivers together, and all that dynamic?
JACK MILLER III: I've been in this situation before with CJ when I was younger, so I kind of understand how it goes. We both want the same thing. We both want to be successful, and we both want to win games, so we're going to do whatever it takes.
Whoever is the better man to do, that's where it's going to be. So it's really never been a problem between me and him. Nothing.
Q. Just getting the receivers, that's the --
JACK MILLER III: Yeah, it's tough. You've got to be willing to put in a lot of work, and those guys too understand. They come to work every day, and they understand that they might have to run extra routes because there's two quarterbacks that are trying to be the starter. So they understand it, and it's been really good.
Q. How would you assess the progress of this offense from start of the spring to now?
JACK MILLER III: I think we've developed a lot. You guys didn't get to see a whole lot tonight just because for certain reasons, but we've definitely gotten a lot better throughout the whole offseason.
Just guys getting better, guys growing up. I feel like a lot of our young receivers are starting to really understand the game. It's been pretty good, obviously.
Q. How much of the playbook would you say we saw? A couple of pages?
JACK MILLER III: Probably not even. Probably day one install.
Q. What did you see on the touchdown to Marcus, and just that roll-out there?
JACK MILLER III: Yeah, the same situation happened in practice and the last scrimmage actually. I was rolling to my right, and the back line was just wide open. So just lay it up there, let the guy go get it.
Yeah, me and Burke have put a lot of time together. Especially over this offseason. He is always a guy that stays after with me and kind of catches a lot of balls, so you saw his other catch too tonight. Burke is a weapon. He is the real deal.
Q. What was the conversation you said you had pregame?
JACK MILLER III: (Laughing) during the walk-through he was, like, I need one tonight, and I said, I got you. Got it.
Q. You mentioned the defense and how you felt like you've seen it all spring that they've improved. In what ways specifically have you just seen that unit make a jump?
JACK MILLER III: I think the biggest jump they've made is everybody knows what they're doing. Early on in the spring everybody was kind of new to the system, new to knowing where to line up, and now you just see them. They all know it. They're all flying around getting to their spots.
And it's really hard as a quarterback looking out there and not knowing where they're going to end up presnap. It's the hardest part.
Thank you, guys.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports